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#1 Parent Michelle Cain - 2015-03-03
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

I would like to know more about your experience with IGIT. I need to know if they treat their employees well??

#2 Parent Sean01Canada - 2013-01-15
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

Hi, I am writing this as a warning on behalf of my friends who were currently teaching with IGIT Group starting from September 2012 and who got fired after their probation for know valid reason:

This is warning to all teachers across the globe "Do Not GET EMPLOYED WITH IGIT"

whether its for any country or place in Saudi Arabia as they are not a reputable company to work with. I have heard from my pen pals (a male and female friends from South Africa) they got employed last year 2012 September with IGIT group to teach in Saudi and things were getting good for them until now December after their probation which lasted for 3 months from the time they started in September 2012 till December 2012 they got fired for know absolute reason. My friends were saying the company quickest root to get you fired if they start issueing warning sms and emails to you about professionalism, classroom management, late submission for work etc. My friends were saying that you end up working on weekends which there weekends starts on a Wednesday afternoon till Friday and Saturday is a working weekend. They were also saying you will end up setting up examinations, complete something called a course portfolio (i myself don't even know what that is) and if you don't do it you will end up a warning or simply fired on the spot if need be. My one friend said the company offered to bring here family down as stated in her contract, after she started paying for the relocation cost etc, and on completion of that, the company said they pay for her children and husband flights but ended up lying as usual and not paying for anything.

Please...Please...I'm apealing to all teachers both from South Africa, Britian, America and wherever else don't work for IGIT you will regret whole heartedly.

I am sure that there is alot of other reputable companies hiring, dont go for IGIT Group Saudi Arabia, you will hate it every step, my friends are teaching with another company after speaking with them yesterday which they are all happy as this new company only employs South African, British and American teachers based on pure honesty, trustworthiness as I was told yesterday.

#3 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-07
Re Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

A buddy of mine was offered a contract in that region. Read the contract carefully.. One of the main reasons why he rejected it was based on some clause ( if i recall it correctly ) in the region they have 2 volt systems 210 and whatever the other one is.. If you plug in the wrong plug and fry the machine, it's your bought and paid for .. A few other reason but, i can't recall it

#4 Parent teresa - 2010-09-24
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

Do NOT work for this company no matter your circumstances. They are run from Riyadh and have lost a huge university contract in Jeddah through LIES, MORE LIES AND GROSS INCOMPETENCY.. You will NOT GET PAID and they will leave you in serious trouble. Their contracts are ILLEGAL, and they will put you on a BOGUS VISA and play to your ignorance of Saudi Labour Law. They will try every trick in the book to get you on board, but they have been dropped by all their recruitment companies in the UK and many in South Africa and Canada too for non payment of fees.. if a guy called Y[edited] or Mr S[edited] or F[edited] or MR H[edited] get in touch with you, put the phone down. There is another idiot called J[edited] who calls himself DR and another called D[edited], sometimes MR M[edited]... they are not even qualified and F[edited] gives himself the title HEAD OF ENGLISH and Y[edited] HEAD OF HR, - he used to put bottle tops on Coca Cola in a Saudi factory beforehand [edited] and is a compulsive liar.. the other F[edited] used to clean bathrooms and toilets in the US Air Force. They are SERIOUSLY PREJUDICED TOWARDS WOMEN, if you are a women you are at serious risk of being DEPORTED BY THIS MOB.. in the last year alone, more than 160 teachers have joined this company and LEFT.. most within a month, as they havent been paid, given a medical (as Saudi Law dictaes), NO IQUAMA as promised ( necessary to get medical care and open a bank account in Saudi) and many American and British women have been severly harshly treated, KICKED OUT OF THE COUNTY by IGIT within a DAY of complaining to them and ALL THEIR BELONGINGS AND MONEY CONFISCATED BY THEM...They are SERIOUS COWBOYS.. STAY AWAY FROM THEM AT ALL TIMES, no matter how desperate you may be.

#5 Parent wiliam - 2010-02-06
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

I recently left Saudi Arabia due to my terrible experience at IGIT. IGIT are an incredibly dishonest company who will promise you anything to trick you into accepting their offer. However, when you arrive in Saudi Arabia you will receive very little of what you were promised. The IGIT management will refuse to answer their phones to you and, as was the case with a number of teachers, you may well be forgotten about completely and left at the airport without working contact details. IGIT treated me with contempt and anyone with any self respect will avoid them. They would not pay my visa expenses as they had said and tried to throw me out of my accommodation three weeks before giving me back my passport they then refused to return my passport and waited until I only had just enough money left for my plane ticket before releasing me a month after I had resigned. I have heard the situation is similar in Riyadh, Jeddah and Medina.

If you dislike stress, dishonesty and disrespect do not consider IGIT. There are rumours that they will soon collapse due to failures to fulfill contracts so signing up with them is very risky indeed.

#6 Parent An - 2009-12-23
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

I don't know about this particular employer much, but I didn't find anything on them on www.teachsaudi.com , I think a lot of companies post on that website,so maybe you can get some information there...

#7 Parent jeo2002 - 2009-11-19
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

I was told through an employment agency in Canada that IGIT accepted my application to work in SA. I was actually never told where the university was, or given any details about classes and coursework, etc. I tried to email the agency in DC that processes the visa to ask a few questions and also emailed the agency in Canada, but have received no reply from either place. My assumption was that they blew me off because I've been hesitating. But really all I wanted was a little more information before I took the plunge... strange...

#8 Parent Amna - 2009-11-06
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

Hi, I am also looking for information about IGIT. I will also call King Abdul Aziz University tomorrow to get more info. Anyone who has more information or experience with IGIT, please let me know.

#9 Parent aero-plane - 2009-11-01
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia


I just signed a contract as well and am in the process of getting my visa. Maybe we can share information as we find it. Thanks.

#10 Parent Dennis Keeler - 2009-10-31
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

John, did you ever get information on IGIT? My son has also been contacted about a teaching position, but we can't seem to find any info on them. Would appreciate any insight. Thanks Dennis

#11 Parent aero-plane - 2009-10-28
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

I have just been contracted as well. Any info?

#12 Parent ygebray - 2009-09-21
Re: Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

Hi John,

I have been contacted as well for a teaching position in Jeddah. I too am seeking information about the company and experience. I hope we can keep one another posted on updated information. Feel free to contact me via email with any questions or updates. Thanks, Y. Gebray

John - 2009-08-26
Anyone give information about IGiT group in Saudi Arabia

I had an email from IGIT group in KSA to join their team in Riyadh,Can I find anyone teaching with them,give me some information about them

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