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#1 Parent Matt Pender - 2010-01-03
Re: Hunan Zhuzhou University

Funny you should say that Hunan women are the best-looking in China. Though I've never taught there, too hot for me, I've taught more than a few really beautiful girl students from Hunan at colleges elsewhere in China. I agree with your assessment of Hunan girls entirely. Those girls made me wide-eyed too, just like you!
Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe some readers of our posts won't agree with our point of view at all!
Just to add that the least attractive Chinese girl students I've come across so far during my teaching in China have come from Henan. As it happens, I've never taught there either up to now! I wouldn't teach there as I've heard Henan is lawless and has more than its fair share of criminals.

#2 Parent wide-eyed - 2010-01-02
Re: Hunan Zhuzhou University

Hunan sucks? No way can I agree with you. The women there. Now, they're very, very special - so attractive and loving, faces full of character, naturally beautiful. Just what a red-blooded Western male needs, the best lookers in China, in my humble opinion. I'll never forget them as long as I live!

#3 Parent Weiailan - 2010-01-01
Re: Hunan Zhuzhou University

Hunan sucks!!!

kurt - 2009-12-06
Hunan Zhuzhou University

Does anyone have any comments on this school or the city of Zhozhou?

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