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#1 Parent Supercat - 2010-01-04
Re: ? on criminal record

Hi englishgibson, I did not mean for my post to be a slur upon FT's in China. Yeah, maybe I should have said that there are "quite a few" FT's in China who have criminal records. Not that I really care anyway, provided the crimes these people commited are not really serious, it is of no concern to me.

There are many foreigners in China who are here to escape debts in the West, or some guys avoiding paying child support. There are also many people here with minor criminal convictions eg: drink driving, smoking pot etc. I have met a few of them, I am sure that you have also.

As for criminal checks, nobody has EVER checked my background when I have applied for jobs in China ( and I have applied for dozens and dozens of teaching positions in China )
If employers in Guangzhou and Shanghai are now doing criminal background checks then it must be a new phenomenen.

As you would know, there are different rules that apply throughout different provinces in China. For example, I am often amused when I hear people say that an FT MUST have a reference letter or at least a letter of release to apply for a new teaching position in China when they leave their old job or have finished their contract.

I have NEVER given a reference letter or letter of release to a Chinese school employer, and I have never been asked for one up until recently (first time ) I worked at three universities in China in a row without one, they never even asked for a release letter ( I do have two of them )

Just give them your resume and a few copies of your documents and they either say yes or no. I know this is a bit off topic but it just goes to show that the rules are not always black and white in China. That is sometimes a good thing, a bit of flexibilty, unlike a place like the UK or Australia, where you MUST HAVE this or that or you don't get the job.

#2 Parent englishgibson - 2010-01-04
Re: ? on criminal record

supercat, there are supposedly many kinds of people reading on these forums and using their info for a variety of purposes.

China is full of people from the West who have criminal records.
are the stats so dark as you have described here? i wouldn't be surprised if there were people with some criminal record..i know of one from a large mill, however, i dare to question the large number in FULL. why would you come here to put fts down in such a way. why wouldn't you just use the word "SOME" as oppose to "FULL"? really, it's hard to get these kinda "FULL" stats with the current situation on mainland, isn't it?

OP, there are some cities on mainland that are asking for background check now and, apparently guangzhou and shanghai are asking new applicants for this as i've seen it in some job adverts.

cheers and beers

#3 Parent Supercat - 2010-01-04
Re: ? on criminal record

You will get a job in China easily, nobody will check on your criminal record, China is full of people from the West who have criminal records.

If you want to teach at a university you will need a degree, and possibly a TESOL certificate, however it is easy to get a fake TEFL/TESOL certificate, and they are cheap.

China is your best bet, you will have no problem. Korea and also Vietnam REALLY DO carry out criminal background checks, or they at least were up until recently.

Craig - 2010-01-04
? on criminal record

I am a U.S. citizen, have a university degree, and recently obtained an tefl certificate with plans on teaching abroad (hopefully China). the question that i have is pertaining to a background check. i got in trouble with the law when i was about 18yrs (12 years ago). this resulted in a felony possession of marijuana conviction that is on my adult record. in america, most employers do 7 to 10 year criminal background checks before hiring. in my case, its been over 10 years, and my name comes back clean when checking. i also have had my adult record expunged. having my adult record expunged is just short of a pardon. this expungement does not completely erase my criminal history though. it just states that there was no conviction or prosecution. Does a country like China require local police clearance from my home state? will this affect my employment opportunities that i want to pursue teaching in a country like China or somewhere in the vicinity? From the research that i have done, obviously teaching in some asian countries like korea would not be an option. what are you thoughts on this issue and could you give me some guidance on possibly places i could teach in.




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