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#1 Parent lovely lemming - 2010-01-08
Re: Tutoring English jobs in China?

Whilst I agree that in China a contract is not worth the paper it's written on, and that most Chinese employers are dishonest and should never be trusted, I have to disagree with some other points.

A degree is not needed to teach at the majority of schools in China, why some posters here continue to promote this myth is beyond me. What many FT's in China do is to get a job here first at a university or training centre, then they do freelance private tutoring work in their spare time, some teachers at uni's only work three or four days a week. There is no need to look for an agent or an employer in China if you want to do some private tutoring.

#2 Parent Robert Dunlop - 2010-01-08
Re: Tutoring English jobs in China?

Very difficult, you need a degree, and there are so many foreigners in china now, that makes it even more difficult. As for one-one, really difficult, you need to go through a broker, and they are all into ripping people off, and contracts mean nothing here, sometimes you will get paid, sometimes you wont, and sometimes, more often than not, the contract and its contents change like the wind. Any foreigner will tell you this.

Robert - 2010-01-07
Tutoring English jobs in China?

I was wondering if it is possible to work for some companies in China where I will tutor students English one-on-one rather than an entire class all at once? My Chinese friend mentioned to me that these types of jobs do exist in China and that it is even possible for a foreigner like me to get this type of job without a college degree or experience if I'm a native English speaker? She said there are so many job opportunities in China for English teachers/tutors. Is this true?

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