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#1 Parent engishgibson - 2010-01-09
Re: They are really ingrates!

Jonathan and someone else on that have brought the filthy foreigners on here. Honestly, dishonest I have also been as an EF Director of Studies before. Had I not been that, I would not have had that job for a minute. Yes, I was ashamed then and I still am. But as a manager, would you tell your applicants that your center is just a sh*t, so don't come? Then, as a recruiter that depends on that commision, would you tell that that particular employer is not to be trusted? There are just sooo many poor employers in China and for a recruiter it must be a pretty tough assignment to lie as they often have to sooo much...or, they're out of business.

Now, I don't know how this connects here, but one of my tragic experiences comes with, yet again EF, and their center that had a former Director of Studies recruiting behind my back as I was the current Director of Studies there. This happened with a full knowledge and approval from the (at that time mine) EF employer. This Canadian woman, Susanna (the former EF DoS at that center) even used my very own EF business cards outside China and in Canada. My employer passed me on the fts, mostly with no teaching experience or higher education and I ended up knowing only when the EF HQ in Boston contacted my superior at Shanghai's HQ as some of these applicants complained about the filthy Canadian Susanna. I was so furious when my EF employer Lucy told me that Sussana got paid, although I got an unofficial appology from Lucy. Stabbed in the back, I was many times there anyway, so sorry felt just like that knife anyway as well.

So, recruiters are anywhere and they opperate in any way they can to make that extra buck. This is a filthy world we're living in and in some part it is filthier than in some other. China is a really polluted place. Therefore, keep 6 everywhere you go or whomever you deal with here. Any cleanups are not likely as money is what the world turns around. Note that if you want a "clean recruiting process", spend your own money on traveling around. See for yourselves what and where, so that you do not have to listen to the bullsh*t from the hungry mouths.

Cheers and beers

#2 Parent Jonathan Menzies - 2010-01-07
Re: They are really ingrates!

Good post, grate. It gives us an insight into the murky depths of how Chinese recruiters and some of the dishonest foreigners who 'use and abuse them' do their dirty business. In fact, it's a bizzare money triangle involving some recruiters, some schools and some laowei, any or all of whom can be dishonest without a moment's remorse! I am not surprised about the dishonesty of Chinese schools and Chinese agents, but apparently it hasn't taken too long for some foreigners here to adopt said dishonesty, that's what irks me! Such Western bottomfeeders can readily give the rest of us principled laowei teaching here a bad name!

grate - 2010-01-06
They are really ingrates!

Start from the bottom, and then scroll up. Some laowei here in China ought to be ashamed of themselves!

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sang
To: Jeffery
Sent: Wed, January 6, 2010 5:00:32 PM
Subject: Re: Hi Sang

hello again,
Where are you right now? and what is your tel number?? I will call you tomorrow.
I hope you can do a polite man. But Can you agree to tell me the employment results after you get my help and can then contact the schools in Yulin of Guangxi direclty?
Because some of teachers are very impolite even delightfully unethical\Unprofessional, They even help the schools(some of my bad clients) not to tell me the results and even cheat me, so that those bad schools can avoid paying me. It is very dirty as you know about their spirit and soul. and I really hate those teachers too. They are really ingrates, I hope you are not one of them.
I will tell their contacts to you once you agree.
Best Regards and Happy New Year 2009!


----- Original Message -----
From: Jeffery
To: Sang
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Hi Sang

Sounds good...can you tell me more about the job?
Also one more thing, my wife and I will be having a baby in May, so we will need two bedrooms...do you think the school can provide that?

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 12:12 AM, Sang wrote:

I got a primary school near gulin, in Yulin city. Is that ok?

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeffery
To: Sang
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 1:18 PM
Subject: Hi Sang

I am looking for a job teaching English at a Kindergarten or Primary School in Guilin. .If you know of one, I can send you Resume.
Please let me know A.S.A.P
Thank you Jeffery

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