Return to Index › XINHUI, JIANGMIN - Mega English Center
#1 Parent ma hao ni - 2010-09-08
Re: XINHUI, JIANGMIN - Mega English Center

sorry about your experience. i taught part time for almost 5 months in this school. all i can say is, they deserve my A-W-O-L after my $$$ hahaha beware of this school, MEGA ENGLISH CENTER, xinhui, jiangmen jity, guangdong

#2 Parent Turino - 2010-01-10
Re: XINHUI, JIANGMIN - Mega English Center

Anyway, life goes on and we just want to let our supporters and friends know that we are no longer at MEGA, and remind new comers to beware of contracts and agreements signed locally in China, they don't mean ANYTHING.

But to me, as an employee, THEY DO MEAN EVERYTHING, and I ensure that my employers get to know I'll take them to hell's gates, if necessary, to make them adhere to the terms and conditions of my contract with them.
Of course, I wouldn't sign a contract that is not a SAFEA one in the 1st place. That's why I'd never teach at many private schools nor training centres in China. I needn't risk being taken for a ride. At least, the public sector here has a modicum of integrity, and it's VERY welcome at that!

CS - 2010-01-10
XINHUI, JIANGMIN - Mega English Center

We were business partners of the Mega English Center in Jiangmen Xinhui. After four months of blood, sweat and tears in designing the school and the curriculum, the local partners decided they could operate the center without us and we were pushed out by them. Since a local partner was the registered permit holder of the school, we did't have a chance to do anything even as a shareholder . Although we did try to use many legal channels to resolve the partnership dispute, but my wife and staff were threatened and were pushed around by goons brought in by the local partner. In September of last year, we were finally forced out of the partnership, without getting our pay (over 10000 yuan), and not to mention that money that we have invested. This is not the only incident for foreigners involving in partnerships in China, it is just hard to accept that it can happpen to us. Anyway, life goes on and we just want to let our supporters and friends know that we are no longer at MEGA, and remind new comers to beware of contracts and agreements signed locally in China, they don't mean ANYTHING.

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