Return to Index › ILS school, Yongin South Korea
#1 Parent ANET - 2010-01-12
Re: ILS school, Yongin South Korea

You could google the School and see what other teachers may have posted after working there. This webpage has a School's Review page. The link for it is at the top left corner of the screen. The best way to know if ILS is a good School, and they are few and far between in Korea, is to speak to foreign teachers already at the School, and not teachers involved in recruiting for the School. If the School is not willing to let you talk to its foreign teachers, know that something is wrong. Scan the contract carefully. In South Korea, a respectable hagwon will enroll you in the pension and medical insurance plans, and offer vacation and sick leave. It will offer you a cell phone and a well furnished apartment. It will have some sort of student testing and grading system. "Just have fun" is not a good sign.
Find out if they will loan you to other Schools. If so, will they register you with Immigration that way. If not, stay away from them.
Lastly, why would you want to work in South Korea anyway?

#2 Parent UKtokorea? - 2010-01-10
Re: ILS school, Yongin South Korea

Hi there

I am just wundering if you went to the ILS school? I have just been offered a position there, also through Longbridge Pacific so Im just wundering if everything went smoothly with the job?

Any info would be great

#3 Parent Sophie - 2009-10-06
Re: ILS school, Yongin South Korea

Hi, I have applied for this school too (ILS in Yongin). Did you teach there or are you still there? Could you tell me about it if so. Thanks. I cant find any info.

#4 Parent meg - 2009-03-18
Re: ILS school, Yongin South Korea

i have applied for this school too. I had a phone interview last night, but would be really grateful if you have anymore information about this school! thanks.

#5 Parent Angela Petronio - 2008-12-04
Re: ILS school, Yongin South Korea

I have heard of them but only through Longbridge Pacific as well. I was told they would be calling me this evening for an interview. I am a little concerned that I have not been able to any reviews of this recruiting company. Let me know if you hear anything else!

lilmo - 2008-12-02
ILS school, Yongin South Korea

Has anyone heard of this school, or the recruiter "Long Bridge Pacific"? I trying to find out more information about both the school and recruiter before I make any decisions. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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