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#1 Parent Ben Taylor - 2010-01-11
once again

Ok, to clear things up:

1) Cunning Linguist - I didn't mean to offend you, if I did, I apologise. I believe this is a forum where many people can state their points of view, and even those who you may not regard as valid should be respected. Unless of course they are totally terrible - which again is a matter of opinion. Anyway, sorry.

2) Tornai - like above, if I offened you, I apologise - but being told to tike a hike, well I guess you believed it was reasonable at the time, even if I did see it as a little strange on a website like this.

3) Tony - Thanks, its nice to know I didn't upset and alienate the entire world.

4) Goldengirl - Nice nickname, but I can assure you that I am not a disgruntled DOSer. I don't think that by me stating the opinion that most of the awful people I have worked with have been teachers, is either derogatory or inflammatory. Its my opinion based on my personal experience, and its one I stand by. I am not casting doubts on every teacher, I have worked with some excellent people, some people who were great at their job and I will never cticise them, but I have also worked with some truly awful people, like I pointed out. Perhaps I have been fortunate in that most of my previous bosses have honoured their side of the bargain without fail or reservation, and maybe I have been so unfortunate to work with teachers who simply shouldn't be teachers, or who should take a very long look at themselves and ask if they believe their behaviour is correct.

Ok, so finally, to any teacher who may have been offended by me having an opinion, and writing about it on a board that is for opinions, I apologise. Hope you all have a swell day.

#2 Parent Goldengirl - 2010-01-11
Re: Take a hike, Man! Or should I say "p.s off"?

I'm a teacher, and I have worked with some totally awful people, and most of them have been other teachers,....

It's the derogatory and inflammatory statement above re teachers that has angered Turnoi, I think. Said statement means that most of the totally awful people the original poster has worked with have been other teachers. The statement does not cast a good light on teachers as employees in general, does it?
I'm not surprised that Turnoi has given tit for tat in the circumstances! I don't thimk he deserves to be cricized for having done so, nor do I think the original poster is a teacher. What he had initially posted would be more likely to come from a disgruntled DOSer than an ordinary teacher!

#3 Parent Tony Jones - 2010-01-10
Re: Take a hike, Man! Or should I say "p.s off"?

Hi there,

Many of us don't appreciate 'your making troubles,' thanks for speaking up for me Tournai, I appreciate that you are in touch with many of us and know many of our feelings.

I see that Ben's comments are about employers and employees in general, not in Asia, and this teaching board is for general things, not just positions in Asia, or have I missed the boat? I have been royally mistreated by two schools, one in Asia and one in Europe, I have been treated fantastically by other schools. I have also seen several teachers taking advantage of their employers, its an imperfect world. What Ben seems to be asking is firstly do employers come here to complain too, and secondly, do you (the general forum using public) know of any forums used by employers to gripe about teachers. Everybody seemed to be taking it well and involved in a discussion but then you came, for what ever reason and rather than being involved properly you just told him to p.s. off. How exactly have his comments offended you? Do you not like other people having opinions or do you think you are the voice of the board? I'm just curious, so have a nice day Mr/Mrs Tournai.

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