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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-02-17
Re: UK visas

let's stick to the topic! yes, there are unis around the world that would award degrees to even a croc, although we should really focus on the english speaking countries for the sake of this topic and our jobs as english language is taught much more around the world than any other languages. therefore, the english speaking countries are more likely to be affected by their international students, either qualified or unqualified.

I would refute your claim about ll the farce american unis that kiss arssseess of filthy rich internationals" as an overgeneralisation that certainly does not apply. I know several decent unis in the US, and not all of them are engaged in that sort of dubious business.
you sure can refute on boards, although the facts speak louder than you. it is agreeable that there are some decent US unis, however, most of these are the public unis that are also overseen and funded by the government. so, a large number of private unis in the US suffer from the competition, lower enrollments and a lack of funds. moreover, the recent economic downturn has got many american unis worried greatly. in fact, these unis have been recently looking for business across the american borders and especially on china and that in order to increase their low enrollments as their tuition fees have gone sky high. just have a look at the california university and its most recent tuition fees increase, and then you'll see what i mean. from my experience on mainland china, the employers i have worked for have been heavily marketing for such unis in the US. one of my former employers went on a US spring festival trip to further the cooperation and especially to offer "gifts" to such unis in the US. i hope you read the news as last year even the great FBI could not decode the large cash gifts from some annonymous donors the desperate american unis received. in front of my very eyes, chinese students that i failed or that did not complete their mainland foundation courses, got accepted by such unis and even got their amazing scholarships. go figure where it all came from. :)

cheers and beers to the great UK unis that will not sell themselves short and keep their sound education clear of such practices that are evident in either US or australia

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