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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-02-21
Re: What's the deal with "F" visas?

our esl discussion forums are to agree and/or disagree, aren't they? there's a lot to write on boards, but little to do when we get in trouble at times. i guess the next few years will tell which visa's better, won't they?
currently, there are quite a lot of fts having issues extending their RPs (residencies for work) in china and the ones that wish to change employers that they have disagreed with come to mind most of all. yes, my coworker and i are some of them. we've got a bad rap from the most recent employers and so may not "qualify" for another RP. had we kissed our employers' arses, we probably would've gotten that much needed recommendation letter, but neither of us had got near that stinky area. :) looks like these kinda cases have to break to these forums first to set the alarm off. or, are we overeacting a bit? the F or spousal L is we're looking for, although our employer wishes for F. mind you the school's got their legal permit to hire fts. really, i see the legal issue there, but i've seen a legal issue in my previous employer's filthy handling of my RP. the local PSB would've given it even to anyone with a foreign face..really!

cheers and beers to our views on topic of which visa should we have or want to have :)

#2 Parent Scam Revealerq - 2010-02-21
Re: What's the deal with "F" visas?

Gotta disagree with you Gibson. Your words make no sense as far as favoring an F over a Z. Unless you are someone unreliable who hops from school to school, or wants no real protection. If you have no other choice, meaning if you can only get an F without returning to your home, that is one thing. However this, in truth, varies from province to province.

The bottom line is, if you can get a Z, you should get a Z. As I and Turnoi and Silverboy also seem to agree, it is the best option. Otherwise, your employer can feel free to screw you 9 ways to Sunday, and you have "zero" recourse. It's actually far less likely you will get played on a Z. It can happen, but if it does, you have a lot of options. Options that, if even threatened with being exercised, can get results. Not so with an F visa. You can bark all you want, your words will have no bite.

Not only that, but it is illegal, and can get you deported, and that is no joke. If that happens, you could very easily get banned from China for a good long time.

Too many risks, too many "not in your favor" eventualities that can arise from this. Indeed English you are right you have more freedom to leave a crappy job, however, if that's the only plus, it's not enough to outweigh the negatives. Also, most contracts have a clause that allows one to quit if they give sufficient notice. Make sure this is in any contract you sign.

Bottom line, an F visa is a poor alternative. It is a viable alternative, but hardly the best one, don't takes Englishgibsons word for this one, he's wrong when he says it is the better route to take. Maybe to say it is the better route for him, though that is even arguable.

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-02-20
Re: What's the deal with "F" visas?

Ironically, accepting an F visa from a crappy establishment is, in my view, better than committing yourself into a legal work permit that could legally go against you should you object to your employer's nonesense there. There are scores of ridiculous employers on mainland China, aren't there?
By the way, HK seems to provide F only as of recent and for your Z you most likely have to get back to your homeland these days. If your employer does not pay for the trip, you might as well favor the F. :)

Cheers and beers to our views on topic

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