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Scam Revealer - 2010-02-25
Paying for your own visa?

What the heck? I have been applying to a fair number of schools lately, and I have noticed a trend nearly as alarming as the whole F visa nonsense. Most schools, even Uni's, are refusing to pay for a teachers visa. Now you would think that, since it is a requirement, and that it is needed to work for them, they would and should cover it. This has always been a given. Most legit schools do indeed cover all visa costs. Now, they don't.

I find this rather disturbing. From the schools that require F visas because they can't get a Z, or to the ones who can get a Z, but won't all seem to be adopting a "No pay" option for just about any and everything they can get away with.

It used to be that teachers not only got airfare reimbursement, but also an end of year bonus in "addition" to it. Now that airfare is your end of year bonus. It seems as more and more foreigners come to work in China, and the market get's more flooded, schools are providing less and less of what they used to. Most schools won't pay anything towards your electric or internet, and now this. Is it just me, or is this a shortsighted move? Schools keep providing less and less, they will get teachers of ever decreasing quality. I think this just goes to show that quality is the last thing on their mind, and saving money the most. I can understand it's a business, but save money where it is proper, not on necessities like "visas." That's just absurd.

It seems like, if you don't already have a Z visa, and it can not be easily transferred from your last job, that schools do not want to hire or pay for your new visa. Also seems like even if they can, they won't float any of the costs.

Beware folks, if you are here and have a visa other than a Z, and want to get one, good luck. You'll have to go through a bunch of crap, and even if you don't have to leave China to get it, it will cost, you. Schools are more and more no longer paying for "any" visa costs. Or they are doing the old "we will pay all visa costs inside China deal." Which is a really clever way to get you to pay, as if you are outside of China or must travel outside of China, to say Hong Kong, to get your visa, you have to flip the bill.

When will schools learn there are just some things you just can't take away in regards to simple benefits if you want to find decent teachers? I guess that answers that, as decent teachers are not on the top of their list, cheap ones who will work for peanuts however, are.

Folks, school are supposed to cover all visa expenses. Not sure about the legality in regards to their being required to, but it has always been done this way, and should remain. Just like the whole F visa BS, this kind of shite only works if we allow it. Choose not to work for schools that won't get you a legal visa, and who won't cover your visa costs. If everyone sticks together, schools would not be treating people in this manner.

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