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#1 Parent Outahereasap - 2010-03-01
Re: CHEAT something about salary

Joking apart,sir:

AFTER CONSIDERABLE ACRIMONY,AND MY THREATENING TO STRIKE,including V switching off his cellphone when I tried to call him, childish, to say the least, there have been some major developments! Fact is,I'd have gone on strike if he hadn't called me subsequently. Ultimately, he has agreed totally with my interpretation after we discussed in detail what turned out to have been unjustifiable 'alterations' to the contract he tried to impose on me after the event - NOT CRICKET, old boy and totally unacceptable, in my view!
In truth, the 'contract' had more holes in it than Swiss cheese, as well as quite a few contradictions!
So, V eventually had no choice but to eat humble pie and write another authorisation of payment slip to satisfy my demands, which included paying me 1/2 of the flight allowance at this time, rather than the lot at the end of the 10 month contract, the latter having been the original agreement as per contract, but after all this crap I insisted I got 1/2 now, as a lot of my original trust has been eroded, in the aftermath of the shabby treatment given me.
The way I see it, the change in the flight allowance clause I insisted on, and was granted, is a kind of insurance for me, in the sense that were I to be fired, fairly or otherwise, the school would lose money hiring my replacement - the agent's fee and other costs asssociated with replacing me would greatly exceed the cost of 1/2 of the flight allowance, now owed to me by the school.
Fairness at last. I'm NOT expecting any more bad treatment, that is, if they've any sense at all, but my assumption could be wrong - we'll see!
As is said, you can't cheat all of the people all of the time, But all this crap has left a bad taste in my mouth. So I'll be outahere as soon as my contract is up! I'm sure I can find a school that knows what it's doing when it composes contracts, and subsequently treats its FT's well, even though this is China! One thing's for sure, I ain't no snivelling, grovelling weasel!

#2 Parent Terry Johnson - 2010-03-01
Re: CHEAT something about salary

According to the contract,please read carefully in the part,written like this:
II. The salary treatment

1.Direct payment

__5200___ RMB / Lesson. The whole salary will be paid monthly (the first three working days of every month). All is paid with RMB from the day of starting work each term to the end of each term. 70% of the salary can be changed into foreign currencies monthly.

Your contract stipulates '__5200___ RMB / Lesson (sic).'

Unfortunately for me, I only make 80 RMB a lesson! By contrast, you must be the most highly paid foreign teacher in China, or else much more likely, the (Chinese, I presume) composer of the contract's English level is not up to that required for him to duly perform the task he was assigned..........LOL! I also presume him to be a teacher of (Chinese?) English........LOL again!!

Outahereasap - 2010-02-26
CHEAT something about salary

Below is the "justification" in Chinese eyes for paying me a mere 5200 Yuan instead of 10400 Yuan January and February salary combined, as per contract!


Subject: explain something about salary
Date: Friday, February 26, 2010, 1:14 AM

According to the contract,please read carefully in the part,written like this:
II. The salary treatment

1.Direct payment

__5200___ RMB / Lesson. The whole salary will be paid monthly (the first three working days of every month). All is paid with RMB from the day of starting work each term to the end of each term. 70% of the salary can be changed into foreign currencies monthly.

So this month ,you can get one month 's salary.That is in January ,you worked more than 20 days.In February ,you are working about one week.So the sum is a whole month.you 'll get one month salary.


Best Regards from XXXXX
XXXXX High School,XXXXX City,Sichuan,PRC

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