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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-03-09
Re: ECA Guangzhou (recruiter)

Monitor, it sure is better to be safe than sorry. Well said. If an employer asks me for such documentation i'll have no pro but if a recruiter then NO. With the current trend around and some creative minds that'll think of anything rather than getting a real job.. Watch out!

Cheers and beers to all that offer their docs to only the employers

#2 Parent Monitor - 2010-03-08
Re: ECA Guangzhou (recruiter)

That is exactly why you never send anyone your scanned passports or degrees online because in China they normally sell the information on the black market, build credit profiles, or yes, use them for the illegal importation of cars that require foreigner credentials.

I understand what you're saying, but most direct employers in the Chinese education sector as well as Chinese recruiters request scanned passports and paper qualifications from job applicants.
I have no credit cards nor bank accounts in foreign currency, bar one, which is very seldom hugely in the black. I've had no problems with internet fraud to date, but maybe I've just been lucky!
It seems a pity to restrict the number of jobs one can apply for, here in China, by never submitting passports nor degrees electronically! But that appears the best way to go to thwart internet fraudsters. Better to be safe than sorry, I suppose!

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-03-08
Re: ECA Guangzhou (recruiter)

quite a threatening trend and we should be worried. my worry also comes with the latest scam "Nigerian Letters" as some countries' investigators call it. i bet some of you might've recieved emails with requests to transfer large sums of money. i have a load of these. so, what does it take for, say, western union to trasfer money across country borders? wouldn't our copies of passports and credentials do the job? just imagine you transfer a few million dollars and you don't even know that. this is my latest worry, although it is just a worry as the ECA "only contacted me with an offer" (that ended up as a few offers). note that i am not implicating any institutions in anything on here...just raising a possibility and fts' awarness on

cheers and beers to our careful applications anywhere we are

#4 Parent Smitty - 2010-03-08
Re: ECA Guangzhou (recruiter)

That is exactly why you never send anyone your scanned passports or degrees online because in China they normally sell the information on the black market, build credit profiles, or yes, use them for the illegal importation of cars that require foreigner credentials. I know of one guy that had his credentials used for the import of a car near Beijing. The car was in a crash and it was still in the foreigner's name when the police tracked him down. If someone wants your credentials, take a digital photo of them at a distance so that they can see that you have them, but they won't be able to use them for any illegal purposes. If they want to see them further, go to their office in person and while you are there, check their licenses, ID cards, etc. A bunch of those passports and degrees are also sold to illegal Chinese in the USA as well.

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