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#1 Parent seanmeran - 2010-03-09
Re: Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan?

Again, thank you for taking the time to respond to my post ... most appreciated!

Your cautions on overtime really caught my attention. I was thinking I'd add about another 30 hours a week to the set 22 doing business expansion documents:planning development plus discovering a new much needed unanswered training service/product & design/market/sell it ... etc. The overtime would have been equaling about 120% of my 88 hour monthly salary.

You mention the percentage of salary paid in foreign currency: I had read in many offers that 75% was offered and I was going to seek that. ???

I am not going until my Z-Visa is in hand and a completely agreed upon one year contract with all compensation and tasks detailed (with first 90 days being mutual test period) with a clause for another 4 one year contracts

Again ... thank you for your help!!

#2 Parent Old China Hand - 2010-03-09
Re: Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan?

Membership of a fitness club will set you back, maybe 2000 RMB/12 months. Your style of life apart from that will cost you at most 1500 RMB/month. In Jilin city, you'd expect a salary of between 10000 and 12000 RMB monthly for the job you're willing to do. As for proper medical insurance, forget it. It'll cost a bomb! But your employer should offer you 1000 Yuan for a two- semester contract,for you to pay for any medical expenses you may incur,or if you take out your own medical insurance, which will be pretty basic at those prices! You should be able to get it in two parts, each at the end of each semester, even if you haven't spent a penny at the doctor's nor taken out medical insurance. As for overtime, that concept doesn't go down well with Chinese! Actually, they'll pay less than the ordinary rate in many cases, and they don't consider weekend work or evening work as overtime at most private training centers.If your prospective employer doesn't offer you paid holidays, basically equates to a salary of a fixed amount every month for each of the number of months your contract encompasses plus holiday travel allowance of between 2200 Yuan and 2600 Yuan for a two semester gig, you'll know he's a penny-pincher! Make sure your quoted salary is not gross, ie before tax. Otherwise you could be duped by being short-changed on 'fictitious' tax payments to the tax body there, though no tax is in fact paid! Though you're officially entitled to exchange up to 30% of your salary on a month by month basis only into foreign currency, it's possible to change the rest on the black market - usually shady characters outside the main Bank of China in the city. Don't worry about finding them. Go there, and they'll find you outside the bank! Bringing your own vehicle over is a waste of money. You can buy or rent one, but I don't think that's necessary! Demand total reimbursement for a one-way tourist class flight ticket for a two-semester gig.
Beware: anything agreed orally will likely be denied later! Private employers may cheat you out of end of contract bonuses, last month's pay, and flight reimbursement! Make sure said employer can get you a Z visa!Working on L's or F's compromises your possible clout with him, besides being illegal, which will necessarily prevent you seeking independent arbitration in case of an unresolvable dispute.

#3 Parent seanmeran - 2010-03-08
Re: Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan?

Thank you for your attentive response. The answers to your question are: Jilin City, Jilin Province; A furnished apartment is offered; I am not a vegetarian but also not a big eater; I'd seek to be mainly eating chinese food vs US fast food; I'd primarily cook at home; there's no school dining hall; I don't smoke; I don't drink; I'd probably "hoof it" or take a bus vs a taxi (I'll be bringing my car over in 6 months if it all seems cool); I'm not at all into tourism; not looking to get laid in red light districts and I'm not a bar fly (my plans are fitness club, work, tai chi, great massages ... help boss/owner build the business ... find a nice chinese lady if that comes about naturally; I would like more than accident insurance; my work would be 22 hours a week and a lot of overtime creating business plans for expansion/designing new services/products for schools and corporate training clients (I have much experience in this).

What I am really looking for is sort of a purchasing parity = what one USD buys in average america (not NYC, LA, Chicago, Miami, ... more like Indiannapolis) what does it buy in Jilin: $6.00 or $2.00 or ??? ... all this is to help me negotiate the right deal since owner REALLY wants me to help him build the business (currently multiple schools in several cities plus a corporate training corps) .... so ... I need a feel of ratios ... what's a certain US salary worth in Jilin in terms of purchasing parity?

Can you give me that simple feel of 1 to 2 or 1 to 6 from what I've told you?


#4 Parent Old China Hand - 2010-03-08
Re: Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan?

I can't answer your question with any degree of accuracy until you provide more details such as where about in China would you be wishing to live and work? There's a big difference in the cost of living between Shanghai and a provincial third-tier city. Would you accept free accommodation that goes with the job or insist upon moving off-campus into more luxurious housing that you'd have to pay for? Are you a vegetarian or not? Would you be willing to desert American fast food for Chinese food? Would you cook for yourself regularly or dine out. Would you eat at the school dining hall or at restaurants? Are you a (heavy) smoker or not? Are you a (heavy) drinker or not? Would you be looking to drive or not? Would you mind hoofing it around town, or taking (crowded) public transport, or would you require to travel everywhere locally by taxi? Are you necessarily into tourism in big cities? Are you looking to get laid in red light districts? Are you a bar fly? Do you need comprehensive medical insurance cover while in China?
More details, sir!
In addition, you should consider how many teaching periods per week you are prepared to work, and the pressure you might expect to be comfortable with in your new job. Working in international schools or private training centres is a very different kettle of fish from teaching in the public sector.
I'm sure 60000 USD in the States can support a much better standard of living in a one-horse town than it could in the Big Apple, got my gist?

Sean Meran - 2010-03-08
Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan?

If I want to earn the equivalent of USA $60,000 a year (what it can purchase in USA), how much do I need to earn in PRD Yuan to live in China at the same standard of living?

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