Return to Index › Re: Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan?
#1 Parent Turino - 2010-03-11
Re: Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan?

Some advie from me - take it or leave it,as you like!
Chinese career women tend to have jood jobs,by Chinese standards,that entail their working in one city only,their hometown.Usually,they will not be able to transfer their jobs to other cities.If they are Beijingers,a good job will net them at least 4000 RMB/year,but if they are citizens of Shanghai,that figure will be at least 6000 RMB.
What about you?Have you been seeking the perfect school/university to teach at?Haven't found it yet,just like many of your fellow FT's?Maybe you'll never find it,in which case you'll be changing your workplace annually,even from one province to another,just as many FT's do here in China.A career woman probably wouldn't follow you! And she'd place much emphasis on her children's education, and therefore be most reluctant to disrupt that by moving.
But a woman with a low-paid job will most likely follow you anywhere happily,even to a backwater,regardless of other influences.She'll appreciate your good salary as an FT very much,and won't niggle you to get highly-paid teaching jobs in big cities that might well entail you having to work long hours under much pressure. She can be a housewife,doing all the cleaning, washing and cooking. You will be well looked after,and her cooking can save money out of your salary.
Don't forget that both kinds of woman I've mentioned above will insist on returning to their hometowns,once a year,for Spring Festival,and that you'll be expected to contribute to her immediate family's medical costs,if any.That's the culture here.
Finally,beware of the woman who would like her children to study abroad - that's a big burden financially that you'd be foolish to bear,in my view.

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