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#1 Parent P J - 2010-03-19
Re: The hard business of running a crappy training centre

You're right about how foolish rich Chinese are. I think many of them became rich by corruption rather than by using their brains. Another reason they are tricked by unscrupulous Chinese TC owners so easily is on account of their basic belief that sth must be good if it costs the earth. The more money they are told their little emperor's (or little empress'es) education will cost, the better it must be Huh! Lambs to the slaughter!

#2 Parent Pop goes the weasel - 2010-03-19
Re: The hard business of running a crappy training centre

I like that line "parents are being duped into believing that they are getting value for money". I have felt the same for a long time, but then again I now am losing sympathy for many Chinese parents, they are so gullible and stupid they fall for the insidious marketing campaigns spouted forth by crappy training centres.

If a foreigner gives Chinese parents contradictory advice to that of a Chinese TC director regarding their kids' education, the foolish parents will always ignore the foreigner's advice! They trust their own folk, while distrusting foreigners! So, I've no sympathy for them either - they are foolish people who can be too easily conned financially by dishonest Chinese TC owners!

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