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#1 Parent LNC - 2010-04-07
Re: On the positive effects of backstabbing

That is correct, China will become more powerful, but it will not overtake the United States, it will remain backward in comparison to many other nations. The Chinese lack innovation and also have very low educational standards. Plagiarism is rife like you said, there is not a proper and established rule of law. Yes, the Chinese can only produce and sell junk, but most of them are way to ignorant to realize it is only because of cheap labor they can do this, and they are destroying the environment at the same time.

Chinese men are just a disgrace, they have no respect for women, they are abusive, they drink to much, they are lousy fathers, and have no respect for the institution of marriage. I make no apology for saying that, I have been here for a while and I know what they are like. China has tasty food, a nice language, and beautiful women, but that's about it.

#2 Parent Juanisaac - 2010-04-06
Re: On the positive effects of backstabbing

Before comming to China and seeing how things really operate here, I thought that China would be the next superpower or the 21st century would be China's century.
China will be a superpower in Asia and a world player, but the way they study, do business, etc. will not make this country a world class anything, ecept in producing cheap garbage and plagarism. I say this with sadness and not satisfaction for I see great potential in so many of my students. When I visited Hong Kong I read a book called Made in China about the shoddy business practices here and other unethical things. Chinese students, while many brilliant still take others' work even in other countries. My uncle, a Ph.d. in physics from Rice University, almost strangled a CHinese student for leafing over his notes- for what purpose, I can only guess. The word is getting out and China has to clean this up. As much as China grows strong, the rest of the world still outnumbers them 4.5 billion to their 1.5 billion. I tell all my friends back home- buy local and put the "Made in China" things back on the shelf until things change here. I write an on-line article and my teacher colleagues are telling me to just "forget" certain things. Sorry, but they are what they are and I will write about them.

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