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#1 Parent Foxy - 2010-04-10
Re: Runner worked..LOL!

Doing a runner after you've signed a contract and within 30 days of your entry date into China with your Z visa will certainly work provided you've not been issued with an RP!
And it's exactly the treatment mean and sneaky Chinese employers deserve. They try to save themselves the cost of the RP just in case the FT they enticed from abroad is a crap teacher, and has to be driven away! In that case, he'll be fired and only have the rest of the validity of his 30 day Z visa to spend in China, as it will 'revert' to an L visa, plus a 10 day L renewal,if he decides to pay for a new visa to extend his stay in the country after being fired. Some Chinese employers need 25 days to decide whether or not to apply for an RP on behalf of their FT's. Those who are deemed lousy teachers by their Chinese employers can simply be let go, even after 27 days or so of TEACHING ILLEGALLY, ie without an RP! Then they've just 3 days left to exit the country without having overstayed. BTW, the fine for each day of overstay is 500 RMB/day,up to a maximum of 5000RMB.
But if the employer took the FT's passport off him as soon as the foreigner arrived at the school in order to get the RP for said louwai processed ASAP, then the new FT couldn't run. How stupid, distrusting, cunning and shortsighted Chinese employers can be. It serves them right that they have been duped by louwai who have realised they can't hack the job nor the place after a few days, and run, run, run, at the weekend..LOL!
Oh! Weekends are marvellous - thank God for them. Runners can run while Chinese employers eat and be merry. But then there's the Monday blues for the Chinese employers, no FT! Never mind, don't care about the foxy Chinese employers! Instead let's have a good laugh at them! They've been outfoxed!

#2 Parent FT - 2010-04-10
Re: Runner worked..LOL!

You didn't comment on the runner!I'm surprised you'd 0 to say about that. And we don't need red herrings! About money, later.
Just an update on a pressing matter that I originated this thread about for a poor sod that didn't do his homework - he's out of Mainland China now. And, rightly so. The school/agent decided to delay before 'replacing' his Z visa with an RP replacement, as it were. So, even though he'd signed a contract, he could 'run' fast. Just desserts for a school that wanted to try before trusting, ie pull a fast one, after someone travelled 1/2 cross the world to teach in a non-developed land! That's the weak link in the legal system and the dishonest way the employers operate in the main for laowai with Z's, and for those with grey matter who wanna escape fast scot-free, lol, to exploit.
Cheers and beers to loopholes and those foreigners wily enough to exploit them,
and to those selfless louwai here bold enough to assist newbies to do so! If you know your game, you can work the situ to your own advantage....lol!

Now to a secndary matter:

Those who have never visited Scotland may be a bit confused as they may not be aware of the fact that although Scotland forms part of the UK, each Scottish bank can have their own Pound banknotes.

I dunno about each Scottish bank, that is probably a sweeping statement, but I'd say the definitely all or most banks that deal with the general public, as opposed to every bank, which would include merchant banks, for example.
But you didn't expand on what you said in a UK context. Maybe you didn't know! The Bank of Ulster issues legal tender for people in Northern Ireland. And the situ is further complicated by the fact that, as far as I know, the Bank of England only issues 1 Pound coins, not 1 Pound notes!

The same in value, but many places outside Scotland in England, for example, are not willing to accept those banknotes although they are absolutely legal. I have had that experience several times when I was in Scotland (many years ago).It's definitely difficult and impossible to exchange Scottish Pound notes outside the UK to another foreign currency. Scottish Pound banknotes are generally less well-known than the monster of Loch Ness..LOL

I wasn't last in the Uk many years ago, so maybe my info is more accurate than yours, but perhaps still not the most accurate.
I've spent Scottish notes in England, no problem. Only a few rural places might have a problem accepting them over the counter, London, no problem at all. The Northern Irish notes can be a problem, but not so much in Northern England nor Southern Scotland. If the money is refused, you can nip into a local bank and swap 1 for 1 for English notes, no questions asked. 4 countries, 3 kinds of notes, Wales is the odd one out, it doesn't have its own bank notes.
And maybe outwith the UK,you can swap at a branch, such as Barclay's for English notes, or exchange for local currency - I guess it all depends if they've a 'smart machine' on site to check for forgeries!

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