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#1 Parent Juanisaac - 2010-04-13
Re: teaching requirements

From my experience, it does not matter what degree in China you have, if any, the aspect of our jobs is to act as a teaching assistant to facilitate language practice between the students. I have been called a "teacher's assistant," been told that "what I teach does not matter," and so on. So, from a high school to Ph.d degree what we teach does not matter. Besides, we are all a bunch of idiots in their minds, nevermind that half of what they use in their lives comes from the West. The only reason I stay are because of my students for I enjoy working with them. The kicker was when of them told that I could probably not pass one of their English tests. Obviously by the way they write Chinglish they dwarf anything I can write. For what the Chinese want, a degree does not matter. But for what they should want, I beleive that one is needed. I can go to a Chinese dentist and hope that his daddy trained him well, but at least in Western countries some measure of competency is assured when those sheep skins are handed out. But the Chinese know everything, and if one can deliver what they want- go for it, degree be damned.

#2 Parent Sanitize me! - 2010-04-12
Re: teaching requirements

I could not agree more Ozzie! The BA degree requirement is just a nonsense, it is illogical, but then again it is not surprising because the Chinese people are very illogical and do not think well.
Many of the best teachers are those without a degree. I am sure the degree snobs like Turnoi will respond however, he would never employ any teacher who did not have a degree. The Turnoi type people only care about which prestigious university a teacher attended. A teacher with ten years experience and no degree, or someone fresh out of uni with just any old BA? I know whom I would choose!

#3 Parent No degree for me! - 2010-04-12
Re: teaching requirements

That is dead right Rin, the stupid American teacher I spoke of here recently is a prime example. A degree in literature and linguistics and he knew NOTHING! The disturbing thing is that there are THOUSANDS of people like that in China even people with PhD who can't teach.I lost respect for "educated" Westerner's years ago. "Educated" Chinese people deserve even less respect!

The whole eucation "system" in China is pathetic and a big joke!

#4 Parent Rin - 2010-04-11
Re: teaching requirements

I hate that schools/recruiters/agents ask for a degree. I don't think i am any less qualified and able to teach than someone with a degree in basket making, or cider mugs...etc etc.

Ozzie - 2010-04-10
teaching requirements

Hi to all; Well I have been teaching here in China now for 1 year and it seems that everywhere you look for a job here they require a BA or higher. Most of us foreign teachers are only allowed to teach oral english which is getting Chinese students to talk. You don't need some big BA degree to do that so why the HUGE stress on having a BA. All my teaching documents are equal to a BA but still have trouble getting work because of this enforcement on having a BA or higher. So come on China, lighten up and let us teach the students, you just might be surprised on how quickly the students will learn from some real life teachers who have been out there and done that or have found better ways too teach with great results. You want us over here to help you learn so take off the handcuffs and let us teach.

Regards Ozzie

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