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#1 Parent Chinese Employer - 2005-03-19
Ok Ok

> PS Every time I type a capital letter here I get this annoying
> popup saying to turn off the caps lock key. grrrrrrr, it's the
> shift key, not the caps lock!!!!!

This not big problem. You must adjusting do. You must haveing hammer, spanner , and driver screwing it. After all this using everying will ok working. But you must remembering always. You must very hard using driver screwing it. It must need very hard screwing.

#2 Parent Mike B. - 2005-03-19
Adjusting to Korea

For me the big problem was the language. I to Korea from Mexico where I could understand what everyone was saying and what everything said. When I got to Korea I was completely lost.

I didn't get any specific cultural adjustment lessons from my employer, but that said I came here without a job lined up.

I don't really hang out with anyone, but my contact with Koreans is limited by the fact I don't speak the language, and the smallish town where I live doesn't have many English speakers. Any contact with foreigners is one or two of my workmates, like I said I'm not into drinking or womanizing so I stick to myself.

PS Every time I type a capital letter here I get this annoying popup saying to turn off the caps lock key. grrrrrrr, it's the shift key, not the caps lock!!!!!

buzz_a_r_droost - 2005-03-03
adjusting to life in korea

hey guys!!

i was hoping i could get some info about adjusting to korea straight from the experts!! (i'm a grad student studying culture shock...planning on moving to korea when i'm done)

what are the biggest problems in adjusting to korea?

do you have any sort of support (in culural adjusment) provided by your employer?

what kind of support do you think would be helpful?
do you hang out with koreans or expats?

got any ideas, resources, or suggestions?

if you want to do a personal interview, let me know... i'll be in seoul from march 14th-18th... i'll try to make it worth your while (maekju, soju, lunch....)

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