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#1 Parent wiser now - 2016-05-18
Re Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

Careful in accepting a job at Aston English Yulin. The manager Mrs.Feng cannot speak English which makes business difficult. Don't accept any of her "deals", she is swindling you. Don't sign or agree to anything unless your completing the full 1 year contract. You will be screwed on flight allowance and jipped on vacation time. She is sweet but you will find yourself cheated out of money in the end. I spent around 9000rmb in flight expenses and was given 1450rmb allowance.

#2 Parent Bella - 2016-01-12
Re Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

I would strongly urge you to stay away from Aston Yulin. I had an endless nightmare experience working for this school: Besides being treated like an object with no rights, I was held hostage when on the job, and when contacting the school was told just to wait. They did nothing to help me, even though it is illegal for a foreigner to be held hostage in China. The responisbility of the school is to come to my aid, but they did not care about my wellfare. The hostage situation perpetuated through the night. They also stole my leave from me. They chose dates for all my leave to be taken without my application of this leave and regardless of me stating that I did not apply for this leave, neither the school of head office cared to remedy the situation. This was all to avoid paying out my unpaid leave. I was also refused a pet bird, for no good reason. The list goes on and on... When I resigned and took another job, they also ensured that my new work permit was denied, and the PSB gave no reason for this denial. They just refused my new work permit and I had 1 week to leave my home, dream job and China. Corrupt, heartless and evil. As an employee you are worth less than a human to this company. Do not do work for them!

#3 Parent forgiven - 2010-06-10
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

I agree with you fooly. Since Aston is operating in China, we can expect and forgive sharp practice re contracts. If we lose out thorough the company weaseling out of some of its responsibilities, and as a result shortchanging us, that's fine and forgivable, as this is China. Why not work for them without a Z visa, or with a Z visa gotten on the back of a fake batchelor's degree? After all, this is PRC. We must forgive that too!

#4 Parent Guest - 2010-06-09
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

I have worked at Aston, not at the Yulin branch per say but there are certain things/ problems that are prevalent through out the company.

Aston will often try to cut corners and find ways to go back on their contract, this happens at all the branches. To quote other people in these forums, "Don't let Aston take advantage of you." They will try to tell you it's China and that's how things are done and while that is true don't feel bad about it . They expect you to do your job (ie teach English) it's only right they treat you fairly. Aston is definitely not the best school but from what I've heard regarding the other English schools neither are they.

On a positive note, I worked for the company as an English teacher for a few years and I found the experience to be enjoyable nonetheless. China is a wonderful place and teaching English is an easy way to experience the culture first hand.

In the end, its up to you to decide if you can put up with the issues and for how long. It is a different culture and keeping an open mind will go a long way in helping you deal with any difficulties you might encounter.

Hope this helps. :)

#5 Parent Jeremy - 2010-05-11
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

I've worked for Aston, and some of what people have said is more or less true. I don't think it has to be bad, but if the regional management isn't willing to stick their necks out to protect foreign teachers, probably the local Franchisees will conduct business as usual, which is to do anything and everything he can get away with to maximize profits while sacrificing teachers, students, and their parents who pay for the education that is also ultimately sacrificed.

From my own experience with Aston, which ranges from not-terribly-bad at the top end to complete-and-utter-shit at the bottom, you'd be lucky to end up in a tolerable teaching position. There's a good chance you'd end up in something less than satisfactory.

However, as a recent university graduate, you are EXACTLY what Aston is looking for, because you DON'T know what a teaching assignment should or shouldn't be. In other words, your greatest asset is your naivete on the topic, or, to put it bluntly, your susceptibility to being manipulated and essentially cheated. On the other hand, there is not much real demand that you actually know how to teach or perform well in the classroom, as long as you don't completely suck. More importance is placed on how you behave outside of class, and if you're naive enough and subservient to your new masters, you can get through up to a year without becoming overly cynical.

Assuming you don't put adequate preparation into your lessons, you'll have a fair amount of time to look around your new surroundings, even if it is just Yulin. There will be some vacation time, though not much of it, but more than you'd get in some Western countries.

I'll end on a positive and honest note. After my first tour of duty with Aston, well, I was glad I did it! My life was richer for having done so, though because of living in China and actually teaching, all of which happened in spite of rather than because of Aston (aside from getting me the paperwork). However, if I had the choice I wouldn't go through that period again.

Lastly, over the years the Yulin branch of Aston has been perpetually trolling for new recruits, which signals a high turnover rate. The city is probably not most people's cup of tea, but they'd probably stay longer is the management was good. Chances are it's not.

#6 Parent Cherry - 2010-05-11
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

Choose Jinan and Xian Aston..They're not franchised schools..They have foreign teacher managers,so it's easier for the foreign teachers to discuss anything you like regarding the work,contract etc...They'll offer a free apartment...You can choose what kind of contract you want....15 hours,20 and 25 hours a week...For 15 and 20 hour contract teachers, you'll free from Monday to Friday afternoon...Try to discuss in details..

#7 Parent Raoul Duke - 2010-05-05
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

I'll chip in with this side. Aston is one that should be avoided by a wide berth...a near bottom-of-the-barrel gig.

Even if you don't encounter the dishonest possibilities in this chain English mill, you are at best going to find a lousy deal- ho-hum salary, tough schedules, shared housing, etc. etc. etc. A lot of their franchises are in isolated jerkwater cities that will have little to offer a foreigner.

Most Aston schools are franchises, and you'll likely find yourself totally managed at the whim of the corrupt, incompetent, baijiu-swilling butthead who bought the local franchise. The corporate offices aren't really involved in the operation of the schools, at least as long as the money keeps rolling in, and the odds of them stepping in and going to bat for you are virtually nil.

And even if they do...you may well wish they hadn't. They tend to be even worse than the locals.

There are too many jobs in China that are better than Aston. It's not worth taking the chance.

#8 Parent ks - 2010-05-04
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

Aston's pay has not changed in 8 years while many other schools have bumped their's up to attract foreiiiign staff. You will find that often a franchised Aston school will pay you late and try not to pay you for OT and the head office lacky's will not step in to help the FT's! All the head office is worried about is getting their fees from the franchises and lets the franchises to run over the foreiign staff! Yes other web site such as Dave's will remove negative ads about Aston, so much for Dave being a true blue yank interested in free speach, sadly such is the power of the $$$'s.

#9 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-04
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

If your about to graduate from college, you will have a lot more options open to you then Aston. Aston is one of China's worst chain schools if you ask me. They don't give you a free apartment, instead insisting you share one with a total stranger, like a college dorm. Maybe this doesn't bother you so much, being a college student. OK. Then there is the pay, it is bottom of the barrel. You've heard a lot of bad things because there are a lot of bad things to hear. While I do think there are some good schools out there which are not public, they are few and far between, and Aston isn't one of them. You can do better, believe me. People advice public schools, and that's usually a better option. Don't work for Aston. Sure you could do worse, but you can also do a hell of a lot better, especially since your degree is real.

Hannah - 2010-04-30
Any News About Yulin Aston English School?

I have been offered a job with Aston English School in Yulin. I have read a lot of reviews about Aston Schools here, and it's not looking very good. I am about to graduate from college, so I am a newbie in the teaching English abroad arena. I understand that I have a lot to learn, so I would appreciate any more advice that I could get specifically about this school in this city. Thank you in advance!

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