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#1 Parent Roger Dodger - 2010-05-11
Re: Resume Photos

Sadly, far more importance is given to the picture than it deserves. They actually often do care more about what you look like than your real qualifications. I work at a public university, and someone who looks at resumes submitted sent me a picture of a woman who had applied not at this university, but in this province. Here picture was being circulated because, well, they thought she was hot. Everyone wanted to hire her.

So, porn starlets have a better chance of getting hired than anyone else.

#2 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-10
Re: Resume Photos

Why does anyone want to see a picture of someone? To know what they look like. You just named all the reasons, they are rerally quite obvious, and all of us here know what they are.

Yukon - 2010-05-10
Resume Photos

This is something that I've really never thought about til now. Why do esl schools want to see a picture of you. I have a million ideas in my head, make sure you're not disabled, make sure you are white... etc. But what is the real reason... if even 1 exists. What made me really think of this is recently a future employer said to me after I sent a picture "You look great, just waiting for your girlfriend's photo now" It was a very weird message and made me feel dirty.... Dirtier than an esl contract.


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