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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-05-15
Re: Web International WARNING

twoside, you rock my world
cheers and beers to all of our views on the topic :)

#2 Parent twoside - 2010-05-14
Re: Web International WARNING

No, I have not seen the Chinese boss you are talking about, that runs their business with logic and reason to make profit. 

"The Times They Are a-Changin"
#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-05-13
Re: Web International WARNING

twoside, i find your posts rather inappropriate with all due respect to you as well as to your rights to post on. this individual has had a sad experience to share, hasn't he? i'd question your reasons for "twosiding" his web experience and for bringing up your pain about unqualified teachers. the main point is that we should look out for this company, is it not? if his experience working for them isn't enough to you, then i'll back it up with their poor and fairly unpro recruiting techniques as i have last year applied for a position at a couple of web schools. at one i even gave a "beautiful demo" which the young observing chinese female worker may not have liked due to my demand for only english in the classroom (i asked her not to translate..and so quickly) and i've got a questionable offer from another one where the contractual agreement was not as "twosided". further more, it's worth mentioning their vague academic programs and materials where these young chinese web workers swim in deep seas and no navigation system available. one question cracked my rear end at a web interview; can you teach SAT? of course my answer was YES. now, what's their actual product in web??? i mean officially. or, is it that they bend with the market and then make you bend for them as well??????
cheers and beers to two sides of stories as well as cheers and beers to whatever is offered to us here on the fine mainland

#4 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-12
Re: Web International WARNING

Two side no offense but you sound a little to self satisfied for my liking. Your whole post seems designed so you can say good things about yourself without saying good things about yourself.

IN my experience Chinese bosses don't give a lick about things like popularity or anything else when it's a simple matter of face instead, or dislike. If a Chinese boss doesn't like you, they'll can you no matter what. They don't need you and you're no asset whatsoever. In fact a Chinese boss in my experience is much more likely in my experience to be resentful of you if they rely upon you for a large amount of profit, or if you are hugely popular. From everything I have noted Chinese bosses are generally pretty petty people, and will in fact do everything they can to downplay what you contribute, not up play it. This has a lot to do with not letting you come to think or fell you have any real say in how things are run, always you must be under their thumb.

No, I have not seen the Chinese boss you are talking about, that runs their business with logic and reason to make profit. The ones I have known make profit by selling a cheap product and making you think it's high quality, and generally practicing pretty deceptive business practices with an approach loose on morals and high on greed. The Chinese boss you speak of, that's the exception, not the rule.

If your school really values you as much as you say, and some of it is likely in your head I think, but if they do, more power to you, stay there, don't go anywhere else. It's a rough world out there my friend, and China is even rougher. If you have found a Chinese boss that understand good solid business practices and a logical reasonable approach to how they do things being best, you have a rare find indeed.

#5 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-12
Re: Web International WARNING

I'm personally familiar with web, and had an interview with them a while back. They asked for a 1 hour demo class, which I gave. The teachers and staff there are a joke, surprised I would want any more than 10 minutes to design a last minute lesson plan that was good enough for an hour class. I had to use their materials to work off of, which were crap, and required much more work to make it work, something they didn't get. They have their own curriculum, which I must say is a joke, some of the worst materials I have seen, and you can't use your own. The classes are a full "hour" long, you have 5 a day, that's a ton a teaching. You must be there at all times in between classes, so you work a 40 hour week. For that you might make as little as 7,000, depending on where you are teaching. I said no, as I did not like the staff there, and the materials were such crap I didn't want to have to work with them for an entire year. Also, 25 "actual" hours a week sounds like a major drag to me.

Over all I was not impressed with the place, and in general it's just another lousy private training center.

#6 Parent robotmonkey - 2010-05-11
Re: Web International WARNING

Ryan: as in most places, Web is a franchise, and therefore, it will vary to some extent. It also depends on the city, newbies in a place like Nantong are not going to have the options of someone with many years of experience in a city like Shanghai.

Twoside, the voice of Web themselves: actually, I WAS the most popular teacher at both centres I worked at. I had to leave the first because of ill health, the second was the decision of one person alone, out of a personality clash, not thinking about the money side of things. The quality of my teaching was never in question either, I always had glowing reports when observed by teacher trainers or others. More remuneration for services rendered, at Web?!?!?!? You obviously don't know the company very well. Don't accuse me of not telling the full story either, get your facts straight first. If you think I'm the only person telling you this, check the other forums, you will see plenty of people are very unhappy with Web.

#7 Parent RyanESL - 2010-05-11
Re: Web International WARNING

I met some people who worked for Web int. in Nantong once and they seemed extremely happy with the company they worked for.

Does it vary from place to place?

#8 Parent twoside - 2010-05-11
Re: Web International WARNING

I'd just like to exercise my right to reply to this poster. I was indeed the most popular teacher at both of the Web schools I worked at, backed up by many of the students and indeed my colleagues at the time, who will still tell you the same. In addition, I am more than qualified, having been offered university and school teaching jobs in Shanghai, which I have personally decided to refuse.

Life's tough! So far, you're the only one telling me! To be offered a job is one thing, to be hired is another and to follow through in the manner of which you speak is altogether different. To be popular with the students and quality of teaching doesn't necessarily run hand in hand. You were fired, which tells me there is more to your story than you care to let on or know. If a teacher, especially one who accepts a position at a training center, is good and one who the students like and respect I seriously doubt that you would be in danger of losing your job as training centers usually only have money on their mind. Therefore, if you were a good teacher and the most popular you would be a drawing card for the company and could easily ask for more remuneration for services rendered. In your case you were fired hmmm..., I mean let go, so the company obviously didn't see your absence detrimental to the coffers.
#9 Parent robotmonkey - 2010-05-10
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#10 Parent twoside - 2010-05-10
Re: Web International WARNING

Yes, it's true that they may be bad and probably are. Then again there are two sides to every story. When one speaks out as being the most popular without any evidence to back it up, it is nothing more than tooting one's own horn. There are as many bad training schools as there are bad teachers. Under qualification runs rampant in the East and I find that horn tooters happen to fall in the least qualified list. Look at me!

robotmonkey - 2010-05-10
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