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#1 Parent Turino - 2010-05-14
Re: Who won't PT schools pay by the week?

Now I am noticing, schools are insisting you be paid monthly for PT work, and if

you won't accept this, they won't get back to you or hire you, not matter how desperate they are. Can anyone explain this to me?

Too many gw louwai in certain parts of China They give the rest of us with balls a weak bargaining position. Avoid cities popular with louwai jobseekers, many of them scruffy backpackers or partygoer types. You'll have more clout in less fashionable cities. When I worked partime,I insisted on cash upfront on a daily basis, and I got it! but I was in a backwater.

#2 Parent Floored - 2010-05-14
Re: Who won't PT schools pay by the week?

I know what you mean. Chinese seem to be completely inflexible in most things. It's either there way, or the highway, regardless of whether what you want is reasonable or not. I think it's a control thing, they don't want to be seen to lose any power or control, so they never give in. I also think that they really want more control over you. If they hold back paying you they can rest assured you'll stick around until you at least get paid. I guess it makes some sense, if someone is simply working for you hourly, and owes you no fealty. At the same time, they owe you none, and you are there doing a job, without any guarantees. I think it's perfectly reasonable what you're saying, and I've noticed the same trend, which is why I don't do any more part time work either. When they are so insistent that you be paid monthly, even if your only working 2 hours a week, somethings fishy, and I wouldn't trust them at all.

#3 Parent wilson - 2010-05-14
Re: Who won't PT schools pay by the week?

In China, anything seems to go.
I understand what your saying, many schools treat you the way they want.
one of my friends in China got ripped off, did not pay him, in fact I have heard stories from others who were not payed.
the visa bit is a laugh, because according to some schools it is ok to work without a work visa, they are the ones who like to be in control.
always best to look at the contract, I mean take a long close look, because many so called contracts are not worth the paper they are written on.
you may do OK if you like to grovel to some of these people, but in the end your just another western teacher and there are always other
suckers willing to take a chance, I said suckers because many of us are. because we put up with all the crap that is preached to us, just like many of the students. It's all about money !!!
one can imagine what is going on in the heads of some of these owners who simply abuse and cheat others.
my advise to you,
don't trust no one, look at the contract, if anything is not sounding right then don't bother.
look up schools in your browser, ask those who have been in China a while.
you can do some research of your own first, then you will have more information.
schools pay you monthly, full, or part time, but like I said, it is always possible you may not get your hard earned cash.
your in China, then you must think like a Chinese, there a some schools that treat teachers more fairly, but look on the forums and you will soon find there are many that do not have a good name. steer clear !!!!!
I'm afraid I would say a big polite no.

#4 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-14
Re: Who won't PT schools pay by the week?

Well I just heard back from this school, and their explanation was simple. They want someone who is stable and will be there a "long time" so they will with hold any salary for a full month to insure the person stays. I found this odd, as it seems to me that if it's a good job people will stay anyhow. Also, how does wanting to be paid weekly make someone unstable. Also, why would someone not simply quit after the first month if it is a crap school? Their logic escapes me, I can't help but feel there must be more, only because what I was told makes little if any sense. If true, than their reasoning could use some work.

Reconciled - 2010-05-14
Who won't PT schools pay by the week?

Can someone tell me why schools that only want to employ you part time, a few hours a week, are now insisting on only paying you monthly, like they do they're full time, contracted teachers?

I was recently talking to a school that's desperate for teachers. It's only 4 hours a week of work, no contract, no guarantees, nothing offered but hourly pay. Now, if it is this kind of job, and it is only paying by the hour, should it not pay by the hour? Meaning, when the job is done, you get paid? I mean, you have no apartment, no contract, nothing to assure you that you will get paid. There is just no investment in you as a teacher, no legal requirement on their part to pay you, or even prove you work for them. Hence, at the end of said month, they could simply decide to not pay you. Perhaps they found a contracted full time replacement, or someone who will do it cheaper. Who knows, the point is, hourly part time pay should and has in the past been paid hourly, not monthly like a contracted full time teacher.

Now I am noticing, schools are insisting you be paid monthly for PT work, and if you won't accept this, they won't get back to you or hire you, not matter how desperate they are. Can anyone explain this to me? Someone told me once it was all about accounting, but I don't buy that. If you need a teacher and have none, you're losing money, hence, you would pay them however they like, especially when it's perfectly reasonable. You won't lose money because you don't want some extra accounting duties. Can someone explain this to me? Has anyone who works part time on the side experienced this same issue, and have any of you had a situation arise where you "didn't" get paid after a month of PT work? It seems to me a very stupid stand to make in regards to paying teachers. I mean really, I've been here for many years, and it used to be common to get paid weekly since it was PT work and hence not legit. Why would a school think this is OK or acceptable, considering those facts?

Now I see almost no schools willing to pay people weekly if they want to employ you part time. Is it just me, or is this kind of expectation on a schools part, (That foreigners work at illegal jobs PT yet trust the school to take care of them) that's just plain ridicules?

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