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#1 Parent Paul from Canada - 2010-05-15
Re: Ongoing degree holder bashing

Actually if I recall it was a degree holder calling non degree holders morons for saying a degree was useless.

Just to expand on your statement above, "Reconciled", said degree holder was none other than the poster "cunning linguist", who was also bemoaning the extent of the vitriol he had noticed on this board between certain posters with differing opinions. It seems Turnoi has got befuddled. I think some posters are getting too hot under the collar about certain threads. It would be better if they were to calm down, and try not to get angry when their views are being contradicted. But in actual fact, I can't see this happening because they have massive egos. Even worse, an occasional irate poster will sometimes e-mail the board to get a post deleted that he finds contradictory to his own views. That's his right, of course.
But as I'm not a cowardly custard, I'd never resort to that self-serving practice as I regard that as a kind of sanitisation, which is not a good thing on any public forum. That's why the moderators have a difficult job trying to keep everyone happy while not wishing to apply excessive censorship. Maybe they can never succeed totally in this.

#2 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-15
Re: Ongoing degree holder bashing

Actually if I recall it was a degree holder calling non degree holders morons for saying a degree was useless. I never said such a thing, and I have a degree, 2 actually, big deal. I see no real benefit from my college education in regards to my ability to teach, though indeed some of the subject matter does carry over.

I have noticed that a number of my replies to Turnoi poster were not posted. It seems Turnoi is protected by the site owners, while he can say whatever he likes. Isn't that great. Well, China is a communist country after all, but is this website owned and run by Chinese, in China?

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