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#1 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-16
Re: Ongoing degree holder bashing

I don't think Turnoi see's it, and I think he's been on top and unchallenged for so long on this forum, that he feels he can say whatever he likes. Maybe he has even come to believe the arrogant nonsense he is spewing, who knows. What I do know is that Turnoi, you are not doing yourself any favors by continually insulting non degree holders, and trying to say you are not by "intellectualizing" your comments so you can later deny you ever did any such thing. You and cunning linguist are indeed out of line, and you do come across as total snobs. Nobody likes a snob, except other snobs, keep that in mind. People will only tolerate so much.

#2 Parent rubbishman - 2010-05-16
Re: Ongoing degree holder bashing

You really need to get over yourself Turnoi, do you really think that any of us great unwashed out here are jealous of you? FYI, I have a degree that is totally useless for teaching. The only way that someone can become a good teacher is by practical experience. I am of the opinion that a teacher must complete at least 1000 classes before before they start to become quite competent. A "teacher" with an MA or even PhD is useless if they have poor communication skills.

IMHO, yourself and the cunning linguist poster really are academic snobs. I have been in China for five years, and I bet I can teach every bit as well as that cunning linguist poster. I suspect that the cunning linguist poster is working at a so called "top ranking" university in China (what a joke! ), it may be the reason for his smug and high and mighty attitude.

I have noticed that you have said before that you would not employ a teacher with no degree. What about a teacher with 15 years experience and no degree? You would overlook him/her in favour of a fresh graduate? Seems to be a pretty illogical and strange attitude to me!

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