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#1 Parent Johnson - 2010-06-10
Re: Lesson Plans!

Hi Stacy,
You might want to consider peer interviews where they interview each other, asking questions about who they are. With the information collected you can then have them present their "findings" as a report about their friend to the class. This gives them an opportunity to practice formal and informal conversation skills. keep in mind that this can be a lesson for any level, it only requires your expectations to be raised or lowed based on their ability.

#2 Parent Justin - 2010-05-25
Re: Lesson Plans!

Hi Stacy,

I'm also a young teacher, 23, and know how you feel. Trust me though, it gets easier. Right now you are nervous because you are doubting your ability to connect with the students, but its fine. Honestly most schools just want to show off their foreigner so don't count on them watching over your shoulder. Not that this means you shouldn't take your job seriously though.

Do you have a text book you teach from? Its probably garbage like mine was, but it can be used as a general outline of what to discuss in your classes.

Try to play games with them, it will help them open up to you. Chinese kids love to sing, as do their parents. teach them a melody. My fourth graders loved singing the songs at the end of their chapters, even if they really lame like;

"Blue bird, blue bird, out my window. Blue bird, blue bird, out my window. Fly to the sky blue bird."

It gets them to participate and enjoy the class. You should get into it too, make motions and smile.

Another game I used to play with the young kids was a game where they would raise their hands in accordance of what I said. For instance I would say "boys" and all the boys raise their hands. Other words were, "students, teachers, girls, left, right..." Try to trick them by motioning you raising your hand when you say boys and they will all laugh together. It can become a competition. Since your doing Middle School, maybe something like Simon Says would work too.

#3 Parent Lola - 2010-05-23
Re: Lesson Plans!

Have you tried the Lessons board on this site (link below):

Stacy - 2010-05-23
Lesson Plans!


I'm currently teaching English in the Jiang Xi province of China, and was wondering if anyone could give me a little help please? I'm 24, this is my first time teaching, and also my students are not the most co-operative so am not very confident!

I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas for lesson topics? I have 50 students per class, I teach middle school students (grade 7 and 8), and I am here to improve oral English. I have already covered - shopping, eating at restaurants, describing people, where they go on holidays, where they went on holidays, dream holidays, reported speech and festivals and am really running out of ideas...

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!



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