Return to Index › China contract - ESL discussion
#1 Parent jason mackie - 2010-05-27
Re: China contract - ESL discussion

has anyone worked for YES ENGLISH CLUB in hefei?

#2 Parent Phil - 2009-05-14
Re: Few good words to be found regarding bluinverse

G'day there.

Just wanted to let you and other teachers know of our good experiences with Bluniverse.
We are a mature Aussie couple who came to China about 4 months ago. We have been working for Bluniverse Go-Tone Foreign Language School in the head office in Hefei for the last three months.

We have found the owners/managers and staff here to be more than just helpful with everything we have asked for and needed. We came here not knowing what to expect and were somewhat sceptical about anything done the Chinese way. We have had some minor hiccups but the team have gone out of their way to ensure that these are remedied in the shortest possible time. Sure, some prompting may be needed but we want for nothing at this time.

On the whole, the crew are most friendly and we have made many new friends here. The owners were completely honest with us up front and admitted there were some management issues a while ago as they underwent an expansion program. We do see what we would consider in the west to be 'some planning/communications issues' but nothing that is worth getting your knickers in a knot over. All you need is a mature, sensible and common sense approach - no different from my experience of 28 years working in Oz.

I believe in the "you can't please all the people all the time" motto, but am confident in saying that if you make the effort, so will they. My experience so far is that these people will love and respect teachers who are willing to reciprocate. We know a number of teachers who have done much worse than us!

If you are considering a move to Hefei, or a job with Bluniverse, I would be happy to address any questions you may have about either. Please contact me via this site.

Enjoy the experience,


Phil (& Lesley) Edwards
Hefei,Anhui, China
(formerly of Gympie, QLD)

#3 Parent Candy - 2008-01-10
Re: Learn from our experience bluniverse is a hell

Why are you so full of complaints? Did you think you were a part - time teacher that had no office work to do? Of course you have to do office work and office time! Teaching is no joke! Why do you say that you are not Chinese, therefore you don't need to do the office hours!!!! That is abit racist and you are putting them down! You are the outsider and you should follow the rules! If you don't like them, go back to where you came from! You should read your contract and ask questions about the school before you agree to work there! Every school is different. Backpackers or new esl teachers that think that teaching is a fun thing to do during the holiday just tick me off! Education is serious! Oh, and another thing... is English your first language? There are so many mistakes in your complaint.

#4 Parent Li Bai - 2007-12-07
Re: Learn from our experience bluniverse is a hell

Hey, this is China! The contract is for 20 teaching hours a week. The other times are for "as needed" situations. Level assessments and that sort of thing.
Just because you're in the office doesn't mean you have to be WORKING. Use your head for more than a hat-rack for heaven's sake.

I too teach Chinese teachers and my experience is that YOU could benefit from some of their knowledge. Yes, they know a lot of English (that is the nature of the job) but sometimes they need help in saying some things BETTER. And to AVOID saying some things that certain people regard as 'funny'.

The contract says you go where needed - read the thing first. Why anyone wants to be under the boss's nose all day is beyond be. Maybe there's another part of the anaomy you prefer to up, in or under.

If you can't use the office computer to play games, bring your own. And almost EVERY Chinese employee EVERYWHERE uses the company computer to play games. (Refer to the opening line)

Responding to some of the other negative comments about this school, I must honestly say that I emphatically DISAGREE with them. I've been here almost 8 months and have never been lied to, cheated or treated unfairly.

The nature of this job is esl as a second language. The 'e' ('E') stands for ENGLISH. Learn how to speak and write it before you try to teach it. It will go a long way to making my job easier.

Have a nice day.

#5 Parent Li Bai - 2007-12-07
Re: My brief encounter with Bluniverse - Teachers Discussion

Trust my my friend, that Canadian was NOT worried about having to "face" you in the future. He was just giving you the facts. Come down of that high horse before someone brings you down. a.h.

#6 Parent sam - 2007-12-06
Re: Learn from our experience bluniverse is a hell

Hey buddy, maybe yes our friend isn't quite as refined as he could be and should definately have a bit more patience. You though, my friend need to get off that high horse and realize that there are frustrations in this world and sometimes, have a bit of tact when you see someone frustrated. I am in a frustrating school now, a little crazy and off task most of the time but we all have to roll with the punches as we are all in someone elses home.

#7 Parent gobsmacked - 2007-12-05
Re: Learn from our experience bluniverse is a hell

No maverick, my reply to your original post was made simply because I could not believe that anyone proporting to be an English teacher could write, and presumably speak, in such an apalling manner. Of course, if you are not a native speaker then it's quite understandable, however if you have paid and taken a course in the English language , I should ask for a refund as you've been duped !.

Just so that you know,'gobsmacked' is in British English slang:

surprised: shocked: apalled: disgusted.

Take your pick.

#8 Parent andyfields - 2007-12-05
Re: Learn from our experience bluniverse is a hell

CODENAME maverick? are you sure your a new teacher? cause if your new why you know all the complaints?
well i heard about bluniverse according to your statement maverick your sounds like your not a new teacher i think your an old teacher! well that is true im an old foreign teacher of bluniverse thats the reason i left

#9 Parent maverick - 2007-12-05
Re: Learn from our experience bluniverse is a hell

gobsmacked hey men im the u.s you also work in that company?

#10 Parent gobsmacked-english-teacher - 2007-12-04
Re: Learn from our experience bluniverse is a hell

Sorry, which planet did you say you were from ?

#11 Parent hobart - 2007-12-03
Few good words to be found regarding bluinverse

I had a telephone interview with the folks at bluniverse in HeFei about one year ago and that experience alone was enough to tell me to avoid them. After careful questioning they finally admitted that the position was not actually in HeFei but they were sending teachers to various, remote parts of Anhui -- no thanks!

After that experience I have kept a lookout for posts regarding bluniverse, and no surprise, every post I find (on this and other forums) is negative.

If you're invited to join bluniverse, keep your job search going in another direction.

#12 Parent CODENAME:maverick - 2007-12-02
Learn from our experience bluniverse is a hell

I'm a new esl teacher at bluniverse well on my experience i really feel that im in hell. in my contract i need to work 20 hours a week!the problem is why that im going to stay at the office for 8 hours a day? im not chinese ok? and according to the rules foreign teachers must teach the chinese teacher i think thats not good because they are all damn good they correct the foreign teacher of their pronunciation because of the accent!why should they? right? and that ambasador thing well in my experience its not good its stupid!beware of the chinese teachers they have this insecurities they are going to destroy you.. in my brach school right now i have many complaints really!!! and they dont follow the contract just like the egyptian teacher that they fired out without warning and any reason.. and in every branch school there is only 1 pc that your going to share with the chinese teachers and you cant easily use it because they are busy using qq and playing games. weel im planning to leave also.. i wish i can talk to other ex bluniverse teacher so that i can ask questions

#13 Parent indigenous - 2007-11-18
Re: China contract - ESL discussion - Teachers Discussion

get over your issues of security and just go there. if it doesn't kill you you'll get stronger.
disappointment is rife in this industry that is a fact. but fark me just make a move...

#14 Parent IndigoSummers - 2007-07-29
The school is BAD news! - Teachers Discussion

Avoid Bluniverse like the plague. Until recently, I was in regular contact with Bluniverse to organize my employment.
Among many things, I was guaranteed a 5 day working week and was told I would not be required to be within the school outside class times.
The shock came when I landed in Hefei. They had the nerve to tell me AFTER I flew in from the other side of world that I would now have to work 6 days a week, and stay in the office 8 hours a day!!!!.
Now, I have few years of experience in the ESL game, and know what questions to ask and how to ask them. I know this wasn't just a case of miscommunication. They LIED to get me there, and I assume, they expected me to stay as I spent a good deal of time and money to get there!
Fortunately, I have worked in China before and know that ESL teachers are in demand here. Needless to say, I left on the first available train out of Hefei.
Stay well clear of this school. Bluniverse is bad news!!!!!!!

#15 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-30
My brief encounter with Bluniverse - Teachers Discussion

Hello, all,

I had but one brief encounter with Bluniverse. I was happy living in the city where I was teaching one year ago, and so I first investigated teaching possibilities there. I responded to an ad for Bluniverse, but it became clear to me that a little "bait and switch" strategy was afoot.

During my telephone discussion with the head teacher (a Canadian), I learned there were actually NO vacancies in the cities mentioned in the ad. Instead, they planned to send the newly-hired teachers to more remote locations, where they would likely be the ONLY FT for the school in that area.

I was quite lucky that the foreign head teacher was forthcoming with honest answers during the phone interview, so that I could avoid any future disagreements.

Perhaps he was forthcoming because I was in the same city as he, and he knew if he misrepresented the position (and the intended location) he would have to face me in person.

But recruiters are another story, because they are often in another location (such as Beijing, Hangzhou, or Shanghai) rarely are they confronted, in person, by the FT they have tricked. Often our only retaliation is posting warnings on the internet.

Be careful...

#16 Parent Anon. - 2007-05-29
Beware of Bluniverse - Teachers Discussion

If you are in anyway involved with Bluniverse I strongly advise you to take care. The school is run by liars and WILL try and take you for a ride. They will offer you many things in your contract, but, at the end of the day you will have to fight for anything you are lucky enough to get out of them.

They will try and gouge you for everything they can get out of you. There are quite a few teachers of late leaving the school due to broken contracts and so on, and unfortunately it appears to only be getting worse.

They have no hesitation in breaking a contract or trying to coerce you into doing something you shouldn't have to do - and they will look you in the eyes and tell you that they will not adhere to the contract as it is a "special circumstance".

Remember that you will be living in China, where your options to pursue what you are entitled to are somewhat limited (or non-existent). So if you are involved in any way with this school, or are thinking about working for these people - be very carefull!!!!!!

#17 Parent bluniverse teacher - 2007-04-23
DO NOT TRUST THE SCHOOL AT ALL - Teachers Discussion


#18 Parent David - 2005-07-26
Blue Universe - ESL discussion

Dear Carolyn, I have lived in Hefei for over 2 years. I have worked part time for Blue Universe for several months. Yellow is a good man to work for. He knows how Westerners think. He was approved last summer to hire foreign teachers. They use Cambridge textbooks. If you were dealing with John Wallace, he went home the first week in July. Send me an email if you have any more questions. Best of luck. David

#19 Parent Felix - 2005-05-31
Re-China contract. - ESL discussion

There is already a breach of trust on the part of your recruiter whom according to your explanation, promised to respect the local legal system and give you a contract only after you must have been there on your job for one week, if i am understanding you have been on your job for more than eight weeks now. So in this case do not pretend to not have understood or realized the iffy nature of your "lionized" US attorney. A possible question you should be asking yourself is "will a contract guarantee you a comfortably deserved life in China?" Your answer to this riddle will successfully guide you through. There are many legal schools in China that will offer you a contract with no stress. Get an umbrella before it rains.

#20 Parent The Owl - 2005-05-30
Research start - ESL discussion


You could start your research at http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/articles/index.pl?read=1167

Good luck

carole best - 2005-05-30
China contract - ESL discussion

Would someone please tell me the situation on contracts in China. Everywhere i read it says "Do Not Go Without One!"..but i have been dealing with a recruiter for 2 months or more (he's an attorney from the US and should understand the importance of paperwork)...but now after all this work and getting the paper work done etc. he says by local law they don't sign the contract until the first week there!..I'm tired , anxious to leave and getting desperate (which i don't want to be and make a bad decision).He's been so good at writing emails with loads of info and links for info i'm just wondering if this is an exception to the rule or what?. Has anyone heard of "Bluniverse School" in Hefei?..I really need to know this!! So if anyone knows or has advice for a first timer i'd welcome it. Thanks! Carole B.

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