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#1 Parent juanisaac - 2010-05-29
Re: How to get a complementary release letter

You are right HH, there is no such thing as casual dating in China. What turned out as a simple coffee and chat with a 33 year old divorced teacher with one child turned into "let's build our lives together offer 10 days later." Wow, the Chinese are certainly in a hurry. This is just too fast and too weird for me. The woman is quite attactive, earns more than I do, and owns her own home so I know she is quite serious and not out to play me. I guess she chose me, rather quickly, as her potential husband. She told me her secret past of having one child and being divorced fearing it was the end. As a Westerner divorces and children do not really faze me that much, but the pace of the woman does. I know for sure that I will not meet her parents until I myself am sure I will go through with this and stay permenantly in China. I will respect the woman until I know for sure what I want.

#2 Parent happy hooker! - 2010-05-27
Re: How to get a complementary release letter

Turnoi, in your last sentence you said "quite possible". No, not possible, a FACT! An unmarried woman over 30 will find it virtually impossible to find a Chinese husband. If she is divoced, forget it!

This stuff you hear about a shortage of women in China is just nonsense. There are plenty of single women over 30, and millions of divorced women to choose from. Chinese men are too fussy.

Sometimes I find it hard to have sympathy for divorced Chinese women who complain about their former husbands. Chinese women need to stop marrying Chinese men. If they are stupid enough to keep marrying them they only have themselves to blame!

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