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#1 Parent Michael - 2010-05-29
Re: Being a winner and not a loser

When I said that I was getting nowhere with him. I meant that he couldn't understand that he was selling Chinese students short, wasting money, and selling out just for a good letter (actually commiting fraud if he uses that letter to get another job. It's funny how you seem to agree with fraud, suddenly, after your well documented attack on those with fake degrees).

I find the last sentence above out of kilter, given that Turnoi has decried the use of fake degrees by pretend FT's in China. We must always root out deception in all its various forms!

#2 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2010-05-29
Re: Being a winner and not a loser

Of course I understand what Smartie, "Is ponting out".

When I said that I was getting nowhere with him. I meant that he couldn't understand that he was selling Chinese students short, wasting money, and selling out just for a good letter (actually commiting fraud if he uses that letter to get another job. It's funny how you seem to agree with fraud, suddenly, after your well documented attack on those with fake degrees). If he instead expended more energy on his teaching in the future, then he wouldn't need to do any of the aforementioned and may be able to stay longer at a school by being offered contract renewals. This would make him feel a lot better about himself, and his students would be happier. The scenario that you mentioned about when you related your experience with a school in China was different, because no fraud was involved.

Even the newbie crocs that you have, that have had no experience in China, should understand the point that I've been making.

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