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#1 Parent Happy Hooker 2 - 2010-06-01
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter

Why not have a dance with some panda bears in a disco...
It would make China rock!

Dig your post, happy hooker! You're obviously having the life of Riley participating in EFL here in China. Me too, great to have free time in abundance, and still have enough lolly to spend on yourself after working a part-time job. You've found your heaven in advance of your death. Be sure and make the most of it. You only live once!
#2 Parent Jimmy - 2010-05-31
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter

................, it is just China, nobody should take teaching or education here seriously. Yes sireeeee, I am just here to have a good time, my days of corporate slavery in the West are over.

You are no mug, and have found your niche in the society. I think you will continue to do your own thing happily in China for many years, and lead a carefree life in the process. I operate here in a similar way, except that I avoid pink room gals. Good on ya!

#3 Parent bluebird - 2010-05-31
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter

Dig your post, happy hooker! You're obviously having the life of Riley participating in EFL here in China. Me too, great to have free time in abundance, and still have enough lolly to spend on yourself after working a part-time job. You've found your heaven in advance of your death. Be sure and make the most of it. You only live once!

#4 Parent happy hooker! - 2010-05-31
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter

Well "discerning reader" you remind me of one of those grovelling weasels that used to post here two years ago. All that rubbish about Chinese employers getting value for money, what a load of piffle! TC owners do nothing but rip off FT's, I don't care about providing "value for money" for Chinese employers, they don't own me and I am not their slave!

I will only do what is written in my contract, no more, no less, and I mean a contract from a decent Chinese university, not some rubbish training school contract. If you want to be a fool and bust your gut for a lousy 4000 to 6000RMB a month then go ahead. I am only interested in working part time, no office hours, meetings, or any of that useless training school garbage.

Really you need to wake up to yourself, it is just China, nobody should take teaching or education here seriously. Yes sireeeee, I am just here to have a good time, my days of corporate slavery in the West are over.

The beer, the food, the hookers, disco's, sexy young Chinese students, that's all I care about here!

#5 Parent discerning reader - 2010-05-31
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter

Smartie, I think you are aware of the large number of work-shy wastrels that are employed 'teaching' EFL in China, and have become extremely skilled at managing to make a living here pretending to teach. Of course, this is a good thing financially for countries such as the USA. If those useless foreign teachers were fired, they'd have to return to their homelands, where they'd be burdensome to the social services as welfare applicants. Someone spoke in an earlier post about shorn sheep. As far as I can see, the only sheep being fleeced here are the hapless Chinese employers who are not getting value for money from some of their foreign teachers, most of whom are expert at going through the motions of teaching without actually teaching well. I get the impression by reading your posts that it wouldn't be outwith the bounds of possibility that you are in their number. Another of my observations is you seem to have bags of free time for posting on here!

#6 Parent Smartie - 2010-05-30
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter

A humorous and sarcastic post that includes a lot of common sense. But I must say I'm very disappointed that that is something oftentimes lacking among some FT's in China, including some posters on this board.
Students' expectations of their FT's vary, school academic standards vary and expectations of the work performances of FT's by Chinese employers vary. It's quite possible for an FT to be praised in one school, but to receive an uncomplimentary release letter from his next school. Such a bad reference will make it difficult for said teacher to get a new teaching post. I'm having to post common sense for the benefit of some of our fellow posters who seem out of touch
with reality. But I think you are in touch with reality, and I'm sure you can understand why some FT's might well have to seek guanxi to avoid the issuance of a dreaded uncomplimentary release letter. I've used the monthly dinner routine at a couple of places in China. And I did say that as a rule, it's better to have male Chinese bosses than female ones. Guanxi is more likely to succeed with men than with women here. When I'm looking for a job, my first consideration is what kind of person the male FAO is, and ditto my English department dean, who must be male too. The actual location is very much of secondary importance, though I would choose a rural location rather than a big city. That's because students from rural areas tend to behave better, and are less likely to complain about foreign teachers than their city counterparts.
For trying to give advice to those who might need it, my reward is to be told I'm a cheat, cheating my students and my employers. Ridiculous, but that can happen on a public board! No matter, I've gotten my main points on the board, there for all to see. Hopefully, some FT's can get themselves out of trouble by application of the monthly dinner routine.

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