Return to Index › Just an Observation re TC FT's in China
#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-06-03
Re: Just an Observation re TC FT's in China

Reading our OP's post, I smell a rat. Where would it be coming from? Then, I am wondering if this is a www.ratsboard.com or the teachers board. Regardless who this board's posters are, they are interested in the field that has been opened to them around the world. If a local employer decides to hire a "foreign English teacher" for some kids or horny females to either promote the language, his/her school or to really teach, it is a local choice. But if that has caused you some personal loses, I am sorry. There are still some jobs left at EF, Web, Metten and some local kindergartens on mainland..please to knife any kids there

Cheers and beers to the esl board that serves all teachers and teachers that travel around the world :)

Unimpressed - 2010-06-02
Just an Observation re TC FT's in China

Reading their posts, I have come to the conclusion that most of those foreigners have very poor written English - their spelling is particularly atrocious! Most probably, they don't have a Western university BA degree, so they shouldn't be teaching here anyway. Now we can understand why that's all they can snag in the Chinese EFL job market, ropey training centre work. They are indeed pretend teachers working for second-rate Chinese employers. It's either that or no teaching job at all for them here. They have no right to be teaching EFL anywhere, in my opinion!

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