Return to Index › Linyi Normal University
#1 Parent michael - 2010-06-09
Re: Linyi Normal University

Oh, Grow Up, grow up.

I have no time to waste on you, you first answer the previous questions, before you start digging again.
You failed with your arguments before (or lack of them), so you are looking for a new subject, instead to continue what you already have started.

Look at you. You attacked me with your lying about that you have many teachers/studets friends from Linyi, who can confirm what you said: "I'm speaking 20 times worse than writing". I asked you for some prove, as we know you are lying. You didn't react at all, why?
I asked you weird questions like: how many times I have been in Linyi, how many teachers I know, when was it etc. As you should predict, the answer isn't complex.
I knew you wouldn't give me the correct respond (in theory your imagine friends would know). So you omitted this point.

I have been in Linyi only ONCE. I met only 5 teachers (2 of them left Linyi already, one of them sent post in this thread). Are you sure those 3 others would say that about me?
And students? I haven't met even ONE student from Linyi. So how come you know some students who can confirm my English ability?
Yishui is two hours apart from Linyi (by bus). In my village there aren't other foreigners at all. Teachers and student from Linyi are not coming here, as it is no reason to do it.

Now, without previous responds for my and other posters arguments, you are trying to dig deeper, to catch me on some lies.
Forget, you won't make it, and the reason is not because your IQ is low, but all I said here is logical.

Look, you said

"I have many student/teacher friends from Linyi"
So why are you asking me if I quit the job? You have your friends, ask them. And of course they knew me, so they know the story.

Answer - My the only visit to Linyi was in November 2009, to make the papers in PSB. You got it? Still no??? Ok, I started work later, not in September. That is why I worked there only for 8 months (anyway, I wrote the story on the website). I'm sorry to disappoint you again.

Grow Up, it is really no challenge to catch you on your lies.
Now, you get out from this forum, as you cannot help to anyone.
People are not interested in my story, I defended myself clear enough (me as me, as a Polish, as non-native speaker).
And this is the point on the forum - to help, to share the truth, to support, to solve the problem.
So if you come back to the forum, think twice (sorry, four times in your case) before reply. And try to be constructive.


#2 Parent PRCalways - 2010-06-08
Re: Linyi Normal University


I guess the statements about the curiosity of his multiple jobs stand up

#3 Parent Derek - 2010-06-08
Re: Linyi Normal University

Just some background information about an old rascal of a foreign teacher who ended up at Linyi Normal University a couple of years ago. He had been teaching at SICT, a college on the outskirts of Jinan, for about four weeks. But he was one of those native speakers who couldn't adjust to living and working in China. One Saturday morning, he had an altercation in the village near the college with a couple of villagers whom he had accused of staring at him. He was drunk as a lord, and then started insulting passers-by near the indoor market. One of the market traders called the police. To cut a long story short, he was forced to pay a hefty fine, and resign, or else go to jail followed by deportation. From there, he went to Linyi Normal University. I guess he didn't last long there either!

#4 Parent Grow Up - 2010-06-08
Re: Linyi Normal University

I worked there for 8 months

Out of curiosity, how did you arrange an eight month only contract? Did you quit prior to a full-contract length?

#5 Parent Linyi ex teacher - 2010-06-08
Re: Linyi Normal University

I was a teacher in Linyi Normal University for more than one year. I know Michael and is wife and can guaranty that what he is saying is true.

The stuff some of you wrote on Michael (and on other non native English teachers in general) is quite frankly ludicrous.

Even though some non native teachers may not have perfect English writing skills that isn't a valid base to imply their incapability of doing a good job as teachers. What matters is their speaking abilities, dedication to the job, teaching skills, charisma and passion. In my opinion it's better to have an English teacher with a slight accent but with the ability to motivate and inspire the students to learn than one with a perfect pronunciation but with no teaching abilities who will bore them senseless and make them hate the language. I know what I'm talking about since I'm not a native speaker myself and in my student days had to endure a great quantity of such lessons delivered by native English speakers... actually the best Oral English teacher I ever had was French :-)

I can say that both Michael and his wife posses all the qualities that make good teachers. They both have solid academic credentials and certainly are far more qualified than some of the so called "teachers" that Linyi University is currently employing (e.g. no degree or qualifications, drunk at every hour of the day, inappropriate relationships with students, behavior that goes from weird to raging mental, etc... )

What's more they managed to keep an overall positive attitude even though from the start they were plunged in a situation many other foreign teacher (me included) wouldn't accept. Micheal's post is very informative, just stating the facts and commenting on how he had to struggle to obtain the things that were stated on his contract... which is in fact an obligation to every employee.

As for Linyi University personally I haven't posted any comments on this school before because, as someone as already mentioned in another tread in this website, the way this schools treats the foreign teachers varies depending on the person and when they worked there. My experience was fairly OK in regards with pay and keeping their word on the contract... even though I was never given one to sign which in itself was a bit odd.

Anyway in the time I have worked there I have also met other teachers which haven't been treated very fairly (late pay, visa problems, dismissal with no reason, constantly changing schedules, arbitrary allocation of teaching hours, etc...) and from the rumors I'm earing now the situation there isn't getting any better, so much so I know some of the teachers have gone for a "runner".

It also as to be said that the real purpose for which Linyi University hires foreign teachers is not teaching. The foreign teachers there (more than 80 at the moment) are there as a show, for marketing purposes so the University can attract more students and get more fundings from the government. Some teachers don't have enough classes to attend, working as much as 4 hours per week, while others work 16 plus English corners... still getting the same pay of course.

I hope this infos will be useful for anyone who is considering to apply in the future

#6 Parent Juanisaac - 2010-06-07
Re: Linyi Normal University

Hello Michael,

I empathize with you about your experiences at your university. Where I work, I was not paid for seventy-six days. When I pointed out this slight omission to one member of the F.A.O staff, they just talked to eachother in Chinese and laughed. I have enough grasp of the Chinese language to understand that they were making fun of me because they thought I was spending money too fast. Well surprise, this "loawai" was correct and they had to pay me my salary. After that little incident, some other teachers stopped me on campus and asked me with amazament how I was able to receive 10,000 Yuan in one transaction. Even if you're right sometimes, you're still always wrong to some Chinese.
I have other stories of just being treated with hostility and rudeness by the other teachers. I am a one man show in a senior middle school of 3,000 students. I have taught 22 classes with no support, no guidelines, and absolutely no materials. I am the ONLY foreign teacher in the whole county with no country men or any family, but to some of my colleagues this does not matter because I make more money than they do. I am one of those native speakers with a degree, TESOL Certificate, and 4 years working in an E.S.L. department at an American high school. So Michael, qualified or not, native or non-native, many of us experience what you have gone through. I guess I have somewhat been successful in engaging my three-thousand knuckleheads in trying to learn more English since they want me back and now the provincial head of teacher training wants to bring a foreign teacher to every school. So to those Chinese leaders that happen to read this don't treat your foreign teachers, native and non-native, like crap and you might keep us longer. I have learned to be very forgiving in China. A couple of days ago a sweet older lady called me an "idiot" as she passed by me- what gratitude.
My school district gave me a one year leave of absence to come and teach in China and they expect me back. I am thinking of staying for a few more years to take on more heartache and abuse. I fell in love, but that is another story.

#7 Parent breeches buoy - 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University, don't teach there!

I'm not advocating teaching at that institution.

Yes, 'who cares', I'm aware of that.
But I'm advocating not teaching at that institution!

#8 Parent michael - 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University

ojajajaj, what's a discussion!

But thanks for sharing your opinion, I appreciate it. It's good that most of you are clever guys, even if you don't agree with my English teacher position.
I always say to my students - it's important to say what do you think, it doesn't matter if I agree with it or not.

Generally I don't like fights and complains. I have enough other hobbies to fill my limited free time. That is why I didn't write anything about Linyi Normal University. But when they crossed my limit last week, I had enough and decided to warn the others to not make the same mistake I did (coming here).

My post was regarding the uni "not fair play", but some of you redirect it in purpose to attack me. It's ok, you have rights to do it, but why in so aggressive way?
Do you know me? Are you aware of all circumstances?
Who gave you a right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do?

I don't mind you write your opinion, but please make it true.
I hate lies.

"Grow up" wrote:

I have many students/friends who attended this Linyi institution - I'd be happy to post their comments about this Polish teacher and how his spoken English is 20 times worse than his written English. The web page is a fine example of an inability to grasp the language.

Please do it. Do you know how far is Yishui from Linyi? Do you know how many times I in Linyi (I lived in Yishui)? So, how many teachers did I meet? When was it?

I know my writing English is not good, but I speak good enough. Maybe not good enough for teaching, but you don't have idea.
Why are you saying my oral English is 20 times worse then writing? You know it is not true, you know you are lying.
Now prove it you are not, answer my questions.

As well - why are you attacking me personally? Did I do something bad to you? Or just emotional disorder?

You quote my website:

or several years I worked abroad as a tour guide. Besides, I was construction labour, cook, burger maker, mechanic, strawberries collector, gardener, baby sitter, the seller, traffic surveyor, English teacher, etc

I counted more than 30 different jobs. And all this in several different countries.

Yes, nothing to be proud. I think it's shame on me (ironical tone).
What could you do while living in economical poor country like Poland in 80/90, but love travelling? (I used double "l" not by mistake).
Would you sit and cry? I think so.
I'm different. When I obtained my master degree as a sport teacher and running coach, the Polish school offered me 200 USD per month.
It would mean I had a respectful job, but forget about proper life.
So, I didn't give up my dreams, I wanted to travel. And I did, by hitchhiking, by bicycle, cheap, but interesting way.
And I had to work abroad (England, Germany, Croatia, Australia) to make some money which allow me to live on the proper living conditions and continuing follow my dreams.
It was hard to work as a kitchen hand just after my graduation. It was 9 years ago, I couldn't speak English good enough to get a better job.
I had to swallow inner humility.

But 8 years later (last year) I was the third manager in the biggest Australian outdoor shop (the last 5 years I was living in Sydney).
I improved my English, "Kathmandu" company employed me (yes, I was on interview personally), and after few months working as a sale assistance (customer service - how could be, if I speak English so terribly?) I was manager for multi-million dollars company. It wasn't easy to me, but I did manage.

And my dream came true - so far in age of 35 I've visited (more or less) 127 countries. And I'm still on, I will visit more countries and will try more new jobs, as I love it.
And I'm not shamed. I didn't hurt anyone, I didn't do anything wrong.
Why do you think I gave the website link, when I could write just complain about Linyi Normal University.
Because I'm honest, I'm not afraid of people like you.

I should spent more time to correct my English writing.
You found my mistakes, yes, it is my fault, I should checked it more carefully (not ironical tone).
When you pointed them, I could see some of them. I'm sorry. I will correct them soon.

Now, the hardest thing for me - should I be an English teacher?
Most of you say no, and maybe you are right. Maybe I shouldn't try this way to make my another adventure.
We were (me and my wife) full of doubts when applying for this job.
I was aware I'm not full qualified as an English teacher. That I have a master degree in teaching it's not enough (sport teacher in Poland has the same education program that all other field teachers). We decided to apply when the academic year already started, so we were sure to get somewhere where they really need the teachers. I was prepared to take all consequences if I wouldn't manage, I was ready to leave college for my own expenses if I would feel I'm not good enough to help the students.

Japan and Korea employing only the native speakers, so I didn't try to get there. China is different for simply reason - has too many people, there are not enough teachers. You can chose your employee if you have someone to chose from. China need more and more, they cannot employ only the native speakers, qualified ESL teachers. As Turnoi told you in his logic arguments: "poor" native speaker might be not better than "good" non-native speaker. Of course I cannot compare to "average" native speaker teacher, but I'm sure I'm better teacher than those native lazy ones. I'm preparing hard to every lesson to minimize my mistakes.

Fortunately the reality in Yishui turned out to be good for me (poor English level - students and teachers). For those students I was helpful, I definitely didn't harm them. In Yishui there are 21 Chinese English teachers - only two of them were not afraid talking to us, because of their poor English level. When I saw happy student faces, when I increased their motivation, when I saw the effect - I knew I was on the right place and I did a good job. For sure you, good teachers, would do better, but you weren't there. I prepared classes good enough for them and I felt they appreciated it. And once again - I didn't complain for teaching in Yishui and the school leaders didn't complain for my teaching either. And what is teaching English about? If it comes to pass the school grammar exams - I'm not the proper person. But English in Yishui is about communication.
And I can communicate in English, even if i do mistakes.

Don't worry, I have a deal for "Grow up" and "Who cares". Yishui has no foreigner teacher for the next term. And they need them, students want them, they were asking why I was leaving. So just come and help. Don't worry that schools officials won't treat you fair, you can manage. Oh, I forgot - in Yishui county there are not other foreigners, you are alone. There are no pubs or night club either (only KTV), there is nowhere to go after 10 pm. Students are locked in the dormitories as well. There is very cold (winter) in the old mould room. You are welcomed in this narrow minded village. Good luck.

That's all for today.


#9 Parent michael - 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University

Hi again,

Grow up - you pointed my mistakes.
But look how unfair you are. You just picked up something from the contest which is convenient for you. You are showing only parts, so it looks very bad.
I understand you feel better when criticizing me, but do it with intelligence, don't behave like a boy (or your favourite word - Dude).

Grow up wrote:

It all coalesces into a simple picture - 30 jobs, multiple countries, and again, this time in China, it's "the school's fault" not his... yeah, we got it!

You are wrong - I had 30 jobs before I learned English on the proper level. I had plenty of "student jobs" when I was studying (until 34 years old), and I was travelling a lot since 1999. I didn't look for permanent job, as I was on the move. I could handle those easy jobs, it was the choice, not lack of skills.
And I never said it was the "school fault", nothing regarding the teacher job in China. I was happy with the work and school was happy as well. Read my first post again.
And there is not "this time", I worked good, I was treated with respect.

Do not write "

got it", because so far only you and "who cares" didn't get it.

I was just fixing my web mistakes you pointed:
tell me one thing - I used "favoruite" word 5 times on the page "about me". But 3 of them were correct, only the last two had misspelling. It is obvious it was a mistake, not lack of knowledge. Same with "certyficate", as few sentences below I used this word second time - no mistake. I used "find" search for other misspelling mistakes on the web - all 11 others "favourite" were correct, same with 8 "certificates". You just trying to show it in the worse light when the reality is.

Turnoi has a higher culture class than you, he is clever enough to set you straight. By the way, you forgot to react for his previous arguments.
Yeah, probably you don't know how to do it.

I'm sure Turnoi can "set us all straight.

so, there is no


Hasta proxima,

#10 Parent who cares - 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University, don't teach there!

I'm not advocating teaching at that institution.

#11 Parent breeches buoy - 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University, don't teach there!

I have seen this scenario time and time again. You are not qualified to teach the English Language unless you are fluent. After reading your posting it is obvious that you are not. You seem to feel that because your English is better than some of the Chinese English teachers that somehow makes it okay. Get a handle on it, Dude! Your English is substandard. You shouldn't be teaching English at any level.

I'll second that. But what about Linyi Normal University breaching his contract on several occasions? Do you think that's a professional way for an employer who has hired an incompetent foreign teacher to behave? Is this the way Chinese employers who are dissatisfied with their foreign teachers sicken them? Why not just fire them for incompetence? There's a pile of evidence condemning Linyi Normal University as an unscrupulous employer, irrespective of the Polish foreign teacher of English being disgruntled or not. Is it worth teaching there as a competent foreign teacher and being expected to put up with contractual violations? Don't teach there, thats my advice!

#12 Parent MacKenzie - 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University

Grow up, man. Are you applauding yourself? That's ridiculous and tells a lot about yourself - you really must be one of those many Western losers in China!
People without a sufficient amount of brain in their head and a lot of beer or whatever in it instead are useless losers.
Are you one of them?

I have seen this scenario time and time again. You are not qualified to teach the English Language unless you are fluent. After reading your posting it is obvious that you are not. You seem to feel that because your English is better than some of the Chinese English teachers that somehow makes it okay. Get a handle on it, Dude! Your English is substandard. You shouldn't be teaching English at any level.

Bravo !! Agreed !!

#13 Parent Foxy - 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University, to be avoided!

The Pole's English is not good enough for him to be an effective foreign teacher of English anywhere on the planet. There's no doubt about that.
But the issue here is whether Linyi Normal University is a good employer or not. Let's focus on why Linyi Normal University should be avoided by all foreign teachers. From a prospective foreign teacher's point of view, the problem with Linyi Normal University is that they sign a teaching contract with an FT, and then do not obey its terms and conditions. The Pole gives several examples of that university cheating him and his wife in this way. You can read for yourself by clicking on the URL below.


#14 Parent Smartie - 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University

I'd be happy to post their comments about this Polish teacher and how his spoken English is 20 times worse than his written English. The web page is a fine example of an inability to grasp the language.

Very interesting! You see, I had started another thread in which I mentioned my observation that foreign teachers working for training centres in China often posted on the board using inferior English as compared to that of other posters. I wondered whether one could assume that as a rule their teaching, and of course their spoken English, would also be worse than that of other posters who were teaching EFL in China, but not at training centres. Your information re the Pole seems to support my hypothesis. But of course, one swallow doesn't make a summer!

#15 Parent travelinhobo - 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University

Dear Grow Up- Not only are you really harsh on this guy, you're unjustifiably harsh on him. In no way is his website's English "horrendous". If you call that horrendous, then you know nothing about teaching English. His English is not perfect, and perhaps he shouldn't be teaching English writing, but it's pretty good for a non-native speaker. For all you know, his spoken English is at a higher level, which is the only thing most of the schools in the world are concerned with - conversation. English is difficult enough for non-Roman alphabet cultures. I seriously doubt that any Chinese school is concerned with PERFECT English for a teacher. Chill out dude.

#16 Parent Grow Up - 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University

I have seen this scenario time and time again. You are not qualified to teach the English Language unless you are fluent. After reading your posting it is obvious that you are not. You seem to feel that because your English is better than some of the Chinese English teachers that somehow makes it okay. Get a handle on it, Dude! Your English is substandard. You shouldn't be teaching English at any level.

Bravo !! Agreed !!

Inability to hold down a job and then blaming the employer -- it's fine if it was one job, but dozens?

The personal web page for this user is just unbelievably crazy. I have many students/friends who attended this Linyi institution - I'd be happy to post their comments about this Polish teacher and how his spoken English is 20 times worse than his written English. The web page is a fine example of an inability to grasp the language.

or several years I worked abroad as a tour guide. Besides, I was construction labour, cook, burger maker, mechanic, strawberries collector, gardener, baby sitter, the seller, traffic surveyor, English teacher, etc

I counted more than 30 different jobs. And all this in several different countries.
Yes - should feel proud of the inability to actually have any discernible skill. 30 jobs? WOW .... stunning!

Recently I got obsession about deserts

Taking care about family

Favoruite sport: athletics


Sport's certyficates

master degree, faculty of couching and teaching

Foreigner languages

I lost count of the ridiculous English "skills" of this user somewhere after 100 disgusting writings.

It all coalesces into a simple picture - 30 jobs, multiple countries, and again, this time in China, it's "the school's fault" not his... yeah, we got it!


I'm sure Turnoi can "set us all straight."

#17 Parent who cares - 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University

I have seen this scenario time and time again. You are not qualified to teach the English Language unless you are fluent. After reading your posting it is obvious that you are not. You seem to feel that because your English is better than some of the Chinese English teachers that somehow makes it okay. Get a handle on it, Dude! Your English is substandard. You shouldn't be teaching English at any level.

#18 Parent Foxy - 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University

Just to say that I had a lucky escape by not going there to teach. A few years ago, I had a problem at a school I was teaching at in Hebei province re bait and switch tactics. I had gone on strike there, and had contacted my agent to find me another school. On the Friday, I was in my apartment with my bags packed waiting to depart for Linyi Normal University the following day when the school leaders knocked at the door. They had brought peace offerings of two bottles of Chinese liquor and a carton of fairly expensive Chinese cigarettes, and a contract for me to sign. Seemingly, they'd been trying unsuccessfully to schedule foreign teachers at another school in that one-horse town to do my classes. As the contract gave me what I had originally agreed, I signed it, and stayed there, instead of switching to Yishui. I was sorely tempted to do so to leave them in the mire, but just as well I didn't. Seems I made the right choice, more by accident than design. I could have jumped from the frying pan into the fire if I'd left there for Yishui.

#19 Parent Gozimus - 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University

Jesus! All of you are scaring me. It sounds like these other teachers are ganging up on you for sharing your opinion and feelings and most importantly, warning signs.

That Dr. Turkmanistan sending you back nasty responses sounds like a jerk.

As an American ESL teacher that's looking into Chinese schools, working with mean coworkers is the worst, and this Linyi University seems scary already!

So thank you for your post.

Chicago, Illinois

#20 Parent michael - 2010-06-04
Re: Linyi Normal University

ok, I see. I can face your attack.

First, I did apply for teaching in primary school, with kids.
They gave me this job after the interview, so blame the uni, not me. I gave them my website in resume, I talked with them in English with my accent.

But this is not about teaching - actually I had a good time with students,
and anyway my English is better than their teachers. My one year spent there definitely helped to improve student's English.
If you are a good teacher, you know that teaching is not only about native language - I've attended some classes leading by Americans - believe me, nobody cares if they could speak perfect English if they coudn't teach at all. It was terrible - no pedagogy skills, no contact with students, no motivation, no positive energy. If students don't like a teacher, they won't learn. I don't speak English perfect, but I can teach on this level. I wouldn't do it for advanced students. And I like this job.

Second - I'm not complaining for teaching. Even the school had no teaching plan (changing the schedule every few weeks), it was ok for me. University even don't know how I taught, they never checked me, they didn't care.
I'm warning others not about the job, but how they treat you.
I know I still need to work a lot on my English, so I accepted those terrible living conditions and small salary.

Linyi tried to change contract conditions several times, always on my disadvantage.
They tried to avoid payment for winter holidays, travel allowances, they changed payments dates, they required additional job for free,
they didn't give us Xmas and New Year holiday - and all we had in the contract. Even to receive monthly salary I had to fight for it.
All this cheats, lies, changing the contract rules, not showing on appointments, hanging off the phones, not informing you about the changes, broken promises, all this "tomorrows" etc. - it frustrated and stressed me too much.

Unless my feelings are standard in China, so in your opinion it should be obvious that universities treat foreigners like piece of s**t?
Sorry, but if you respect yourself, you wouldn't accept it.

Nobody complain for this Uni???
I know other teachers from Linyi, some of them are native speakers. Most of them are not happy, some have left, but I have no idea why they complained to me, not on this website?

have a nice day:)


#21 Parent espero - 2010-06-04
Re: Linyi Normal University

Hey grow up ,are you here to sympathise with him or to correct his english.you should also check your english since it is your job.English language police, haha,there are many of your type now in china.as if u do not make mistakes.

#22 Parent Grow Up - 2010-06-04
Re: Linyi Normal University

Holy crap! Reading your HORRENDOUS English on your own homepage suggests to me you don't the first thing about English. So, you come here complaining about some university? Oh PLEASE!!

It's clear you cannot live up to any acceptable standards of English ability. So, why should we believe you about this so-called bad university? There is a reason you couldn't find online complaints about the university before you applied and agreed to work there; because nobody has actual complaints against them.

Grow up, accept the fact you shouldn't be teaching English, and move on!

Wow! Talk about pathetic English "skills..."

michael - 2010-06-03
Linyi Normal University

Hi guys,

I would like warning anyone who decide to work for Linyi Normal University.
I worked there for 8 months, in Yishui branch, and I would say it was a nightmare.
I mean living in China was a great experience, but dealing with those bloody school officials, uhh.

I know other teachers who escaped from Linyi - if you need the details, please have a look on my website,
I wrote a bit what I mean. You can as well ask me personally for details.

I just feel I should write my opinion here, as I regret I didn't find similar one when I was applying.
My bad luck.


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