Return to Index › What does "Where you up to", mean?
#1 Parent Justin - 2010-06-15
Re What does "Where you up to", mean?

Right, or "what's up", depending on how informal you want to go.

I'm seriously thinking the person simply got two phrases mixed up in his mind, "What are you up to" and "Where are you going". I must admit, I do that sometimes. My brain will simply mix the phrases together, especially if I am preoccupied.

#2 Parent Robert - 2010-06-14
Re: What does "Where you up to", mean?

Someone's reading a book. Another person asks that question. The answer would be: I'm up to page 41' or 'I'm up to where Jack meets Jill for the first time, and asks her out'.
Strictly speaking, the question should be 'Where are you up to?'

#3 Parent kjk - 2010-06-14
Re What does "Where you up to", mean?

It could be "What are you up to?" a common phrase here in Canada.

#4 Parent A guess - 2010-06-14
Re: What does "Where you up to", mean?

I think what was asked is "Where are you up to?"
Would it make sense?

#5 Parent Justin - 2010-06-14
Re What does "Where you up to", mean?

I've never heard that expression before in my life... perhaps he simply felt like making up phrases.

non-native - 2010-06-14
What does "Where you up to", mean?

What does "Where you up to", mean? I was on the bus going to the supermarket and an fellow who I had not seen for a long time asked me that question. I thought she meant " Where have you been lately" so I replied to her. But she repeated the question and I got confused. So she said " I meant, where are you going now? Are you going to the supermarket?".


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