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#1 Parent tuvia - 2010-06-21
Re online MS TEFL Nova Southeastern University

as i mentioned, their purpose in taking the graduate courses was to increase their salaries; i am quite sure they chose nova because the frequency of classes was much less than attending one of the several local universities.

#2 Parent Zumani Monet - 2010-06-16
Re online MS TEFL Nova Southeastern University

Thank you very much for your feedback. I've waited for a long time for someone's response. I've noticed from your response that several of your collegues back in the USA have done their graduate degree at NSC; however, you failed to mention what they thought of the program. Why did several of your collegues decided to go to NSC instead of a "highly regarded institution."

#3 Parent tuvia - 2010-06-16
Re online MS TEFL Nova Southeastern University

nova is a 'real' university in the sense that there is a campus in florida, but they are probably more known for their on-line or off campus degree offerings. several of my teaching colleagues back in the usa have done their graduate degrees there to get a boost in their pay level. however, its not at all a highly regarded institution. personally if i were going to pay that kind of money, i would choose a more prestigious university.

Zumani Monet - 2010-06-09
online MS TEFL Nova Southeastern University

I am thinking of applying to an online MS TEFL program at Nova Southeastern University. I was wondering if someone can tell me their experience with the program.

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