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#1 Parent Billy Blogs - 2010-06-17
Re A Bat in the Flat in China!

But I was astonished to see what I first thought was a bird flying around in circles near the sitting room ceiling. I hurriedly re-entered the bedroom, closed the bedroom door, and stood on a chair to view what was going on in the sitting room by looking through the small window above the door.

hahaha!! Big, brave, Turino! :D
Turino - 2010-06-16
A Bat in the Flat in China!

The other night I was in the bedroom surfing the net. It was about 1:30 am when I left the bedroom to take a leak. But I was astonished to see what I first thought was a bird flying around in circles near the sitting room ceiling. I hurriedly re-entered the bedroom, closed the bedroom door, and stood on a chair to view what was going on in the sitting room by looking through the small window above the door. About half an hour later I decided to rush out of the bedroom, making sure the door was shut behind me, as I didn't want the creature flying around in circles in the bedroom! I turned on the sitting room light and dashed to the window to open it as wide as possible, at the same time opening the curtain, so that the creature's exit would be as easy as possible. Then I went into the kitchen, and opened the kitchen door, which allows access to an open balcony. I was counting on the through draught, thus created, assisting the creature to exit the flat. Then I re-entered the bedroom, closing the door behind me. About 15 minutes later, I went into the sitting room again, and was relieved to see no creature circling near the ceiling. But then I saw the bat clinging onto the top of a curtain. On seeing me, it started flying around again. Damn! About two hours later, I checked again. but this time the bat was sitting on the floor, wings fully extended, like a model fighter aircraft with huge wings! I re-entered the bedroom, and mailed the FAO to bring a cat as soon as he could. Then I went to bed, that would have been at about 4:30 am. On rising at about 8:30 am, I was relieved to see the bat had gone. So, I e-mailed the FAO not to bother coming with a cat! The flat is on the 5th floor, but the bat had still managed to fly in somehow! Now I do not open the windows too wide any more!

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