Return to Index › Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo
#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-06
Re: Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

Nick, I agree to disagree. You pushed Yangshuo on daves site thread where the poster/teacher inquired about another location, but we could understand it as just "suggestive post of yours" there. :) You worked for a few months at Yangshuo's Omeida where you experienced some honeymoon period, but I believe you are the honeymoon package salesperson. :) Cheers and beers :LOL

#2 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-09-05
Re: Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

I havent seen the thread and copied emails you refer to. As far as Im aware, its not on this site?

Anyway, anyone so inclined can read both this thread, and the one you referred to when bumping this thread up the page. The OP on Daves made some statements about what he is looking for, and was his initial choice of destination suitable for his needs. I suggested an alternative and offered reasons for my suggestion. Not cunning, not ingeniously clever, just something reasonable people normally do, and what forums orginally existed for.

We should just agree to disagree. The reasons I suggest/support this employer are explicity laid out. You objections are also part of this thread. Lets hope both view points prove helpful for others who post, or browse the forum.

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-03
Re: Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

Nick, you're cunningly smart, however, respectfully, you also seem to be dully desperate. Your follow-up post on daves site demonstrates that you tried to offer, or shall I say push, another destination/position to someone looking for a job in a completely different part of the country. Moreover, your follow-up posts on this one prove your dedication to being dully desperate. The Omeida crook not only exchanged emails and offered a lousy employment contract to me, he also offered me an obtuse and a rather unprofessional phone interview. But I have said that on, haven't I Nick? When the Omeida crook copied and pasted my email correspondace with him on the forums, I had no doubts he was not only intellectually weak but also a poor loser. I mean who would share any email correspondance, that indicates s/he is a sluggish crook, on public forums?

Cheers and beers to Nick's theories of who Odor or he are :)

#4 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-09-02
Re: Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

perhaps a thread can be started about workplaces where efl teachers have had ONLY good and positive experiences

A great idea, but unlikely to ever succeed as what constitutes a good experience differs between people so much. The other problem is anytime anyone says anything positive, motives are questioned, identities are doubted, and fingers pointed. I hate to say it, but few people (in my humble opinion) actually make coherent posts about exactly why a place was good (or bad), and end up making comments that express a like (or dislike), without any real supporting information.

In addition, responses to an initial thread doubting an experience, end up overwhelming the genuine experience 10-1, so it all becomes a moot point. This thread is a classic example, and I think if memory serves me correctly, I am the only person* in this entire thread who has actually worked at, or physically entered the premises of the employer in question. Despite that, there seems to be 101 opinions on this place from people who may not have even set foot in the town, maybe even the province, that the training centre is in!

* One person in this thread, Trevor, actually worked at Omeida after posting, but never came back and added further comment. I know he worked there as I started my contract the same day as Trevor and his wife. A shame he didnt come back with another post really. EG also had email contact (perhaps phone contact too) but that didnt go well, hence his negative comments here. In fairness though, (and I hate to say this EG), but the way EG portrays, or chases after me here casts doubt upon his credibility over his comments on Omeida.

#5 Parent Ivan Milatsky Il Terriblo the 3rd - 2010-09-02
Re: Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo


Thanks for your post man.

Amongst all the horror stories and tales of woe and bitterness, there are actually some people who a) enjoy EFL

I can agree on this, I'm looking at doing the Georgia programme next year as it looks pretty good.

b) have had pretty good experiences in their workplaces.

On this note, perhaps a thread can be started about workplaces where efl teachers have had ONLY good and positive experiences, instead of posting about scumbag recruiter training centres or dodgy recruiters. A kind of co-operation between posters on this board sharing where are only good places to work. I'd be more than happy to get the ball rolling with one or two places from my own experiences.

Cheers and cold bitters,

#6 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-09-01
Re: Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

LOL at EG! You are still suspicious and overly concerned with me arent you!

At least I have posted a photo on this forum now so which should debunk your old theory about me being someone you had already met and crossed swords with. Earlier in this thread you suggested I wasnt who I said I was, but was in fact some dodgy recruiter person looking for fresh blood!

As you can see from the link on Daves that you posted here, my story is entirely consistent, and is EXACTLY as I suggested during this thread a month or two ago. Maybe its just me, but I think its perfectly reasonable to answer a query such as, 'Im a newish teacher and I dont know where to go?' with a recommendation about a place I have recently taught at. I even throw in a few reasons why I think its a good idea, and a reason why some people might not like it (low salaries).

You are seeing suspicion and conspiracy where there is none my friend. Im not really sure if you are just trying to goad me or not ... but I have endless time on my hands so I can almost always respond anyway.

Amongst all the horror stories and tales of woe and bitterness, there are actually some people who a) enjoy EFL and b) have had pretty good experiences in their workplaces. Maybe I have been lucky ... or maybe you just arent one of these people who have been so fortunate. At the end of the day, I HAVE had a great time in my relatively short EFL 'career', and Im always happy to share my experience with anyone. As this experience has been overwhelmingly good, my experience will lend itself to recommendations rather than warning people away from places.

Ive always said I have nothing to hide, hence posting under my real name. This means you can find me on Facebook and You Tube if so desired. I say what I think and mean what I say, hence nothing to hide. I would issue an open challenge for you to find someone I have tried 'to recruit' for any job, but this is only the internet so whats the point? If my internet crime is sharing my positive experiences with someone in the hope they can enjoy the same positive experience ... Im guilty as charged Sir!

I believe my posts are always balanced, and I try to offer as much explanation for my responses as possible. This is in the hope that readers can learn something from anything I have to say, if that raises suspicion in some quarters so be it, but I think forums would be a lot more useful if everyone adopted the same kind of attitude.

FYI - I have had around a year of EFL volunteer experience. This includes Kenya, China and working with a charity in the UK. I would be happy to discuss any of these posts if any made a query relating to them.

I have had paid employment in China for 2 years. This obviously includes Yangshuo, and also includes a small town called Wenchang in Hainan Province. If posts about Wenchang pop up I would answer them as well ... but they arent common in fairness! (on a side note, my housemate (from Wenchang) left Hainan to work for Omeida, this was my introduction to Omeida, and so my experience of them isnt just based on my experience, but also on the experience of a very good friend who worked there before I did)

I've also had 4 summer seasons working in the UK. As you know, I am currently in the UK working for a company called Jurgen Matthes Student Organisation, and yep I like that job too! So if you are ever in Eastbourne, East Sussex and you are looking for something to tide you over, I would probably recommend them ... and this doesnt mean Im a recruiter, just a nice guy :-p

#7 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-01
Re: Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

Nick, maybe I offered a conspiracy theory, or maybe your motivated posts around forums have offered yet another threory. Only blind won't notice your beautiful posts offering your short one time experience at Omeida in Yangshuo.
Cheers and beers to Nick as well as cheers and beers to recruiters that work so hard on their own theories

#8 Parent LOL - 2010-06-21
Re: Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

Hilarious, EG!
Keep posting!

#9 Parent englishgibson - 2010-06-21
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

Nick, you sound like a really nice guy and i'd have that beer with you no matter what. However, the fact is that the employer smells because his contract is/was to selfishly protect himself only, and because his poor interviewing techniques prove he's looking for white faces only and that never mind his farce email correspondance with me.
Ring, Ring...
Odar: Hi, this is Odor. Are you Gibson?
Me: Hi. Yes, I am.
Odar: Where are you from?
Me: Canada
Odar: When can you come?
Me: Tomorrow.
The point is that he never bothered asking any pro questions on my qualifications or experience and he had my CV. So, how good could the place be? :)

Cheers and beers to edutainment at Odor Omeida "College" :Lol

#10 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-06-21
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

OMG! I did type a long reply, and just lost it! Of course, it could be one of my mysterious alter-egos again right?

EG, I have read your posts and enjoyed your 'cheers and beers' signature for a number of years, but you are posting like a conspiracy theorist on this thread, and you are also twisting my posts a heck of a lot!

I havent 'had to disclose an apparent experience' as you put it, and I also havent said contracts have changed either. Actually, I didnt say I left Omeida to pursue professional development either ... ( I said if I didnt return it would be to pursue professional development) Please read my posts again, and anyone else who is reading this thread might also like to read my posts again to ascertain who is telling the truth and who is misquoting who here!

A am actually a nice guy and a friendly Brit, that part you have got right :)

I actually said I left because of my financial issues with my son. To support this further (although why I am bothering I dont know ... this isnt a wind up is it??)


This link shows the reason for me needing to come home, my son (who amazingly shares my surname) has had bad publicity on a magazine he co-owns, an as a result has lost advertising revenue. Further shock/horror is the newpaper is in Eastbourne, which you may notice I listed as being my hometown. Please no further theory about my computer hacking skills to 'plant' a fake story to support my posts!

I have never been to Nanning...and havent recruited for anyone or anything either....The only place we may have met is Hainan, I used to work in Wenchang...but I am 100% sure we havent met.

To further satisfy you curiousity...and to ensure you know that you dont know me...Ill also share my msn space with you...this amazingly shows photos of me that are date stamped as being in Yangshuo on the dates I mention...and I can assure you, whilst I may waste time on here responding to you, I dont waste time photoshopping hundreds of photos as well.


If you could really be bothered, you could scroll through the photos and see my photo album of my trinity course at St Giles in Eastbourne.....Oh wait...St Giles in Eastbourne is a BC accredited school isnt it...WOW, and its in my hometown...can you see how this all adds up, (could it be that I may actually want to work in a place like St Giles in the future???) :b and can you also see how your theories fall apart.....Like I said posts ago...I use my real name here and Daves, and everywhere online cos I actually have nothing to hide whatsoever...and am happy to share any of my experiences in the confidence that anyone can actually check me out and see if Im genuine quite easily.

EG, I am sorry that you had a bad experience over a contract with Odar...but I think you are going a bit OTT with your theories on me and my motives...and hopefully all the links I have posted will show you and any reader how genuine I am...

Unfortunately...I think all this banter has sidetracked the purpose of the thread really...but hey, I quite like wasting time on-line anyway :D
I will finish my saying, some people have had bad experiences in China...and may go a bit OTT in attacking schools, employers and other people who posts on forums....by the same token, people who have had good experiences, may also go OTT and write positive reviews with the old rose tinted glasses on.

Ultimately, you have to take a leap of faith to some degree...

EG - no harm done with your wild stories and conclusions about me...but if I do end up back in China and we do eventually meet....the cheers and beers are on you OK!

#11 Parent englishgibson - 2010-06-20
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

I quite agree with Happy Hooker that Nick's given some fine clues. As it seems, according to Nick now, he's worked only for a few months at this stinky place. He's just had to disclose his apparent experience from December 2009 when the Odor Omeida Contracts, according to Nick, changed (from worse or worst to better). Coincidentally, last December was the month when I dealt with the stinky employer and Nick could see it from my previous posts on. What I find interesting is that Nick's just mentioned BC that runs the IELTS exams on mainland, Guangxi inclusive. In Guangxi, coincidentally, I've known, and worked (part-time) with a chap from England, a really nice guy, just like Nick appears on the forums. He's worked for a company with a few private language training centers in Guangxi that's also sent students for abroad studies and that's also had an agency for abroad immigration and/or studies. One of these centers was in Nanning, one in Beihai and one in Guilin. The company was doing pretty badly in the area of keeping its foreign teachers and this friendly Brit, that also worked for BC as an IELTS examiner, was into recruiting. I saw him recruiting a few fts into BC's IELTS and he once even tried the same recruiting trick with me. Out of Nanning, he frequently traveled and Guilin was quite often his destination. Hard to say whether the fts recruiting was a separate income of this fine chap that i've worked with in Nanning (company's headquarters), but it's pretty safe to tell all on here that he pocketed a separate income for IELTS exams aside his regular work, language training courses, in the center. He served the company as a "middle man" in between fts and the local management. Never mind his role, but yet another coincidence is that this friendly Englishman is in the same age as Nick is. I don't dare to claim our Nick is the same person that I have worked with before, but it seems these two might know each other well. Yes, Nick claims he'd like to grow professionally in BC and that, I believe he has said, is the reason he has left Omeida. Or, am I wrong? Ohh, Nick has just left due to his family issues in England. Coincidentally, the BC fella I've worked with part-time in Nanning, traveled back home to England every June too. Then, he came back for Summer courses ..and a few more fts appeared in the teachers office on the beginning of July.

The fact is that there are many bad stories but few good stories about schools/centers on mainland. Internet's abused and will be abused. It's all up to us to use our sixth sense that Nick thinks I have not used appropriately in the case of so obvious Odar from Omeida. Having heard him on the phone, having corresponded with him via email and having read his poor response on this site, I can only conclude that this company is to be avoided. Moreover, I'd suggest to all job seekers to be especially careful about so called foreign teachers on mainland that claim to have worked for schools/centers and that claim to have known them so well. Some do "business" with the local schools/centers and you may never find out what kinda "business' that is, although one day you may find yourself trapped in a place and that may prove costly to you. This company surely sounds great for advanturers.

Cheers and beers to our sixth sense

#12 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-06-20
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

Turnoi posted this, and I have copied some as I feel it is relevant to this thread.

"I am a rather independent person, well-organised and self-disciplined enough to do the job in the way as it should be done and could reasonably be expected."

"Part of this profile for university teachers/professors in the West is a tremendous amount of academic and personal freedom to organise your own working schedule, the times when you teach and the contents of what you teach, and the way in which you teach. It also means that you are able to use that freedom responsibly for doing a good job, being aware of the fact that you are held accountable if you do NOT."

Obviously, not all of this is relevant, but I have left it as Im sure the pedantic amongst you would suggest I am twisting words to make my point. I take my job very seriously, and take EFL as a career/industry etc seriously too. Im also happy to be held accountable should I not prove able to do my job.

Happy Hooker, there is no mention of fines for lateness in my post, and there is no clause regarding that in the contract.

However, part of the contract does state that in addition to my 15 hours teaching, I am contracted to attend a staff meeting fortnightly, and social night weekly.

The staff meeting is normally around 30 minutes, and is used to discuss teaching issues, moving up of students, student issues and problems. Thats kinda important dont you think?

The social night is once a week and about 90 minutes in length. Free beer and snacks are provided, and activities can range from being the dreaded English Corner, an outdoor BBQ, singing competition etc. This is quite important for some of the students too!

The clauses referred to in the contract states that 40 RMB may be deducted in the event of non-attendance of these contracted duties. Personally, and as a responsible individual I dont see any issue with that part of the contract, and I think it is churlish to suggest it is 'appalling' as suggested. I have also mentioned that I have never seen this enforced, and I believe it is included only to 'sort the wheat from the chaff' and to penalise the worst offenders, and those who take the pee.

Unfortunately China is rather de-professionalised when it comes to EFL instruction. No big secret there, and the standard of FT's is often incredibly low. Any FT who is as Turnoi suggest he/she is ... 'well-organised and self-disciplined enough to do the job in the way as it should be done and could reasonably be expected' will have no problems at all at Omeida and I have suggested this to be the case throughout. Teachers who think simply being a native speaker on an adventure in China = qualified to teach, probably shouldnt apply .... although as I am sitting writing this on a computer in the UK, it isnt really my concern who applies.

Im going to bow out of this thread now....You obviously think I am some sort of flunky waving an Odar flag and pocketing RMBs at the expense of naive newcomers, and Im not going to get involved in tat for tat name calling etc. As I have said many times, I am the only person in this thread who appears to have first hand experience of actually working there, and I hope this thread will remain intact for anyone to read who has a similar query to the OP on this thread.

emails or facebook adds welcome for anyone wanting more information based on first hand experience.



#13 Parent happy hooker! - 2010-06-20
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo

Yes, people like Nick can say all they like, Omeida is crap, and many people have known it stinks for a long time. Nick gave clues himself in his post as to why Omeida is rubbish ( read his post carefully ) Nobody should EVER work for any school that ever even talks about any sort of fines. I have been a few minutes late, or even 10 mins late for some of my uni classes on occassion, sometimes lateness is unavoidable for various reasons.

But nobody ever threatened me with a "fine". If a clause about fines is written into a contract then that is just appalling. Maybe students who are late ( sometimes every day ) should be fined? Won't hold my breath waiting for that one!

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