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#1 Parent Dave - 2010-06-24
Re: School trying to move us out of our appartment

It would be interesting to know which college you are working for. I worked for a privately owned college, quite a small place, south of Zhengzhou, that had attitudes such as you seem to be facing. However, they had all their foreign teachers in one building within 100 metres of the school buildings. In principle, if your employer has stated only, "adequate accommodation" or some such ambiguous description, then two things apply. (1) The definition of "adequate" will contractually be theirs alone and by signing such a contract you have accepted that. (2) If they provide you with accommodation that they deem "adequate" this can be practically anywhere they want - on campus would also favour them in any formal dispute, as it is unquestionably closer to the college and to the students. If you do make a formal complaint it will have to be made to the State Bureau for Foreign Experts in Zhengzhou and your chances of winning there are at best slim.

Next time you accept a Chinese job offer, insist that the employer decribes the accommodation and its contents in your application process and then that they append to your contract, a full description of the place, location, floor level, and the interior facilities - i.e. western toilet, hot water 24 hours - into both bathroom and kitchen, internet access 24 hours, and full list of the principal furniture and appliances - washing machine, cooker (minimum two burners), refrigerator AND separate freezer compartment, microwave, television, dvd player, separate air conditioners in the bedroom(s) and living room. Heating facilities etc. If the employer rears up at this, it means he has no intention of providing whatever it is he is rearing up about.

Increasingly in China - and I have been here 6 years - the employers expect to play the part of God and the employees to be utterly subservient. They do not appreciate being expected to commit themselves, so whatever you get at selection and job offer (contract) stage is all you're ever going to get. Even then most of them will try all ways to cut back, reduce or simply not provide what they promise. Public schools and universities do tend to be somewhat less devious but the private sector is a nightmare of crooks, cheats, and loony-tunes. Best avoided!

Is your employer paying the apartment rent directly? Or are they paying you a housing allowance and you and your wife are the legal tenants? If they are paying the rent then unless that particular apartment is the one specifically identified in your contract, they can stop paying the rent at any time and offer you on-campus accommodation and be quite within their rights. Indeed, there is a general preference, bordering on a rule, on the part of the State Bureau for Foreign Experts and the PSB, that private establishments arrange for their foreign teachers to be housed on campus.

Are you by any chance misunderstanding the term "dormitory"? For westerners the term "dormitory" has a rather tighter, 'Dickensian', meaning than here in China, In China one's "dormitory" is simply the place where you live. If you are a student your dormitory may be one room full of students in bunks, with no air-conditioning or heating and no private washing or toilet facilities, whereas the Principal of the college also has his "dormitory" that will no doubt be really nice. Yours will be somewhere in between, So before you jump into huge dispute and especially if you have not yet done so, I suggest you have a look at what they are offering on campus and if you feel it appropriate, negotiate for something bigger and/or better.

Where possible,it is always better in China especially, to negotiate than do battle - for in most battles the Chinese will usually win in one way or another. Make no mistake about that! However, if you have to move and you find conditions are unacceptable, then here again it will be far better for your Chinese future for you to grin and bear it until your contract expires and then find another job and leave.


#2 Parent Jimmy - 2010-06-21
Re School trying to move us out of our appartment

I'm really sorry to hear about your predicament. Did you apply for the job directly with the college or did you come through an organisation, or through a recruiter? It's always good to have other people backing you up.
It seems to me that someone higher up at the university wants you and your partner on campus full-time in order to communicate with the students more, either that or someone just wants your apartment. I guess you could offer to do an English corner for an hour each week to help students as a way to give your boss some face and still keep your apartment. If that fails move to South Korea for 6 months, save cash, then backpack around South East Asia until the money runs out.

David - 2010-06-21
School trying to move us out of our appartment

Hi All,

Just in need of some advice from anybody. I came to China, with my wife, at the end of february to teach oral English in a college 25 minutes outside of Zhengzhou, Henan. Everything has been going great I'm enjoying the job, the students are great, and my employers like what I'm doing. We have a two bedroom appartment on the outskirts of the city.
Now they have dropped a bombshell on us telling we are going to have to live on campus at the college, in a dormitory. The living accomodations at the college are inferior to what we have now, no kitchen, only one room, no western toilet and in the middle of nowhere.
My contract states that they will provide necessary accomodation. Before I travelled here I made sure that the appartment would be big enough for two people and also big enough if family and friends want to visit.
Will I be opening a big can of worms if I really dig my heals in over this?

Has anyone experienced this before?

Any help or comments would be helpful



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