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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-06-27
Re: EF Zhuhai

ozzie, you're quite right..and i havent' file any lawsuits even when i really could. having beef (some factual evidence) with these holy cows doesn't necessarily mean you'll win on mainland, does it? however, if some file their legal actions abroad, this farce organization could be separated and percepted as a franchise of Chinese First, not English First which some still believe in. Then, no academic support would be offered from abroad. copying their materials would only result in other business legal actions from aborad, wouldn't it? what am I talking about here...the EF foreigners want to enjoy China, don't they? .. the EF franchisors want to enjoy their dues whatever the local subscribers offer, don't they? it's all about money, isn't it? any ethics or laws should be secondary, shouldn't they?
cheers and beers to EF bigots :LOL

#2 Parent ozzie - 2010-06-26
Re: EF Zhuhai

Hi there my friend;

Yes I know they surposeto be western schools but that is only until you sign the contract then it becomes a lot of BS and yes something should be done about it. Since I have been here inChina that is all I seem to be getting is total BS. The moment you try and do something about it your hunted out of the city and never allowed back. If you do try and take them to court your bootedout of the country and never able to return so I would think twice about legal action my friend if you want to stay herein China.

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-06-25
Re: EF Zhuhai

ozzie, this school is supposedly a western one, although we know how these "franchises" work, don't we? then, those fresh out of school teachers aren't all exactly out of school, are they? what a shame! a western brand name institution sells its sole to the dragon. can you imagine such a job advert in your homelands? in toronto, a 35 year old exotic dancer was turned down at one club once. what followed was a successful 30,000 bucks lawsuit. why doesn't someone take these EF farts to an international court?
cheers and beers to real education and real western companies anywhere

#4 Parent Ozzie - 2010-06-25
Re: EF Zhuhai

Hi there dear friend;

45 is not too old to teach here in China. Age is experience not a number and it is about time these Chinese schools realise that! The younger teachers that they seek are usually fresh out of school themselves and have no teaching experience whatsoever. Come on China wake up and use experience and not age.

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