Return to Index › Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!
#1 Parent Christina, Head Foriegn Teacher - 2016-06-29
Re Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!

THAT is a lieing joke. I worked there AFTER 2009. I hope you weren't the shit recruiter that stuck me there. Anyway, no, it's ran by the same bastard that cheats all his teachers, by lieing and not paying.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2010-12-12
Re Canada International School should be on every blacklist in the world

This school has a reputation that has out "YESed" YES and "out China'd" China with their crappy reputation. Apparently some drunk old grizzly bear met a stoned tiger doing tai-chi and they decided to start a school together!!

#3 Parent Micah - 2010-12-11
Re: Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!

Does anyone really believe that nonsense?????!!!!
First of all, I doubt you were shocked by what you read online. You just wanted to respond to a teacher blacklisting the crappy hagwon that employs you. You ended up taking the word of a probably unqualified Korean hagwon principal over a certified experienced foreign teacher. Typical.
It simply does not make sense to fire someone with only two months left in their contract for any reason other than to save money. If the parents were complaining about a teacher, why continue to employ them for 10 months? Does that make sense? You make it sound like it was so nice of the principal to let her stay for the duration of her contract. If the principal were nice, why would she try to get rid of her 10 months into a 12 month contract without giving her any notice beforehand? Is that nice? I don't think so.
Also, to respond to your comment that "Thers (sic) is no gossip between teachers anymore," may I ask, what planet are you living on??? To think that the teachers refrain from talking about their jobs, past teachers, the administration, parents, and students, you have to be completely void of all common sense. Normal people vent their frustrations about their job and inform others of the past experiences of teachers at the school that they're working for.
There are some good hagwons in Korea. CIS is not one of them. The CIS in Ansan doesn't pay its teachers. That goes to show you how good CIS schools are. They're schools that try to fire teachers when they're almost done with their contracts (CIS Gangnam) and stop paying teachers (CIS Ansan) when the director gets short on money.
Don't work for CIS.

#4 Parent Micah - 2010-12-11
Canada International School should be on every blacklist in the world

Unfortunately, your experience happens frequently to foreigner teachers in Korea. For any prospective teachers who read this, CIS IS NOT A RESPECTED SCHOOL. It's a crappy hagwon chain that pretends to be an authentic school. It is not an international school despite its name. The one in Gangnam fires people for silly reasons and the one in Ansan doesn't pay its teachers. I'd recommend any other hagwon instead of this "school".

#5 Parent Syl - 2010-11-23
Re Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!

If Canada International School is so good then why the hell don't they pay their teachers??? CIS in Ansan hasn't paid its teachers on time or paid them their full salaries since it opened. Teachers quit all the time because they're owed MILLIONS!!! To everyone who is reading this post: DO NOT WORK FOR CIS! IF YOU DO, DON'T EXPECT TO BE PAID! That school should be blacklisted on every hagwon related website that exists. There are better schools out there. STAY AWAY FROM CIS!!!

#6 Parent Janet Lim - 2010-07-08
Re: Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!

I am the recruiter of CIS. I just read this post written by Sarah Hurley. I was shocked so that I immediately made a phone call to the principal of CIS, Gangnam campus. I was suppposed to be angry at her if Ms. Herley's statement was true. However, it was totally different from hers.
I heard that the principal liked Sarah so much because she was very kind and generous. But there was no choice but telling her to quit because her teaching skiil was not satisfied so parents kept on complaining for her. When the principal told her, she was so sad and sorry for that. So, she allowed her to complete her contract so Sarah received her sevarance fee.
I think there was some misunderstanding between the school and the teacher. The principal didn't want to renew her contract so that she told her to quit. Anyway, this is only my opinion.
In Gangnam campus, most teachers have been working there for more than 3 years, even 8 years. Thers is no gossip between teachers anymore.
I am sure that working in Gangnam campus will be very enjoyable and helpful to you all.
Thanks a lot!

#7 Parent JD - 2010-07-08
Put it back on the blacklist!

Really!!?? Off the blacklist!!?? I guess you don't know that the teachers at CIS in Ansan haven't been paid for two months! Anyone would be a fool for working for such a "school". There are better schools out there so if CIS offers you a job, DECLINE IT AND CONTINUE SEARCHING!
See my other review:

#8 Parent Sarah Hurley - 2010-06-29
Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!

I had a 12 month contract with Canada International School in Gangnam starting in April 2009. Previously, I had been teaching in Toronto for 3 years. After being at CIS for exactly 10 months I was called down to the office by the principal Saehee Kim. She then handed me a letter with 3 lines, telling me that she was sorry to inform me that my contract at CIS had been terminated and that I must teach for exactly 30 more days before having to leave the school. It was so unexpected since I had never been given any warning letters. All they wanted to do was terminate me before I could get my severence pay and my plane ticket. I had to fight until the very last day to get the money that I deserved. Saehee Kim is a lap dog for the owner Mr. Kim. She will do anything that he tells her to do. Mr. Kim wanted to do the same to one other couple who was working at the school, however, he spared them their job because he didn't want to fire a "male". Also, he has said outright that a contract at CIS means absolutely nothing to him and can be broken at any time. There are countless other stories that I could go on about. However, because of policies on the internet, I cannot tell you the truth about Mr. Kim, his lifestyle, or the other staff members at other locations that got fired because of their sexual orientation or the colour of their skin. Please do yourself a favour and take the time to research other schools. I think that Korea is an amazing country and that you can have a wonderful experience if you choose correctly. Good luck.

#9 Parent englishgibson - 2010-04-09
Re: Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!

Janet, as for your "blacklist", we only share our experiences on forums. If things are so much better so quickly in your school now, they can get bad again as quickly too, can't they? Or, what makes you so sure the school'll stay great for long? By the way, the esl teachers board has got a job advertising section too :) Forgive my observations on.
Cheers and beers

Janet Lim - 2010-04-09
Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!

Hi everyone who is looking for the teaching position opened in KOREA!

This is JANET who is in charge of recruiting in Canada International School(CIS).

I've already read the post which is about our school. That post said CIS was bad.

I really want to say all the teachers that CIS is still good school and we always try to offer the best condition to you all.

Actually I was not working in 2009 so that I don't know exactly what happened before.

But, what I want to say is we follow and take action by the contract between CIS and a teacher. We never fired our teacher without any reasons. Before we fire a teacher, we give 3 chances,using the warning letters.

The matter of Tax is also solved followed by the contract. Please read very carefully the contract before signing. If you think the contract is not sensible, you can decline
our offer at that time.

CIS hired only certified teachers and we treat all the teachers same and special.

I hope to see you at CIS with a big smile.

Thanks for reading!

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