Return to Index › EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful
#1 Parent dave - 2010-11-20
Re EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

hi alda i think you worked there with me , it was a different way to see how work is done by money driven english

#2 Parent dave - 2010-11-20
Re: EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

maybe you should talk to some of us that are still here in jinan and working , we know how bad it is and also what te staff do to be nice to make sure you do the right thing and keep that money coming in

#3 Parent ozzie - 2010-07-01
Re: EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

I totally agree with you my friend. Some of the teachers that write bad stuff about schools and how they have been mistreated, are sometimes fresh out of schools themselves. Some of them, it could be their first posting and expected great things. Life here for us FT's, is just as hard for the students that we help to go to our countries.

Just because you have one bad experience by all means warn fellow teachers but not bad-mouth the schools until it happens to you more than once. Since I have been here in China every school has been bad but I don't write crap about them here I just warn my fellow teachers to take a second look. If we keep putting sh*t on these schools then they will never get any FT's to go there and to me that is not good for the students. That is why we become FT's for in the first place so we can help these poor kids make a better life for themselves.

So next time you are thinking about laying a but of sh*t on some school, think about the students of that school and their futures.
Happy teaching from Ozzie.

#4 Parent englishgibson - 2010-07-01
Re: EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

Wow! EF has become OE and all the negative foreign teachers have not been "cut" for teaching, or shall i say teaching at OEF..by the way, what does "O" stand for? Also, what's a difference between teaching and teaching in a foreign country? Perhaps, one's the cultural awareness that matters on mainland, but doesn't it matter in Toronto Canada?
Cheers and beers to EFs, OEFs and teaching as well as teaching :LOL

#5 Parent Chelski - 2010-06-30
Re: EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

Having just arrived in Jinan with another English student to be a teacher here at the EF (now called OE) school in Jinan, I have been shocked to read the reviews on this page. We have had nothing but good experiences here at the school, and everyone has been welcoming and friendly.

We have seen absolutely no evidence of anyone (staff, students, helpers etc) being mistreated or being talked to rudely etc, and we cannot believe that there are posts like this about this school.

For any people looking to possibly come to Jinan to work for this school, I can highly recommend the experience, as they have bent over backwards to be accomodating and helpful. Ivy (who is indeed still here) is a wonderfully welcoming woman who can't ask us enough if everything is OK and welcomes us to go to her if we have any problems at all.

I hope that readers of these threads will stop to think about both sides of the arguement, and make judgements for themselves. Prehaps those who have had negative experiences here aren't cut out to be teachers in a foreign country.

#6 Parent Duncan Cole - 2010-06-20
Re EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

I have been offered employment by Optimum English Education who I think was, or still is, English First in Jinan. The owner, Ivy, (if she is indeed the owner) has said to me by email, that they are no longer EF. I have some jitters after having read some of the posts in this thread. I did have a bad experience some years ago with another EF school in Shandong. As your post is only a few days old could you please let us know the situation. Thank you in anticipation.

#7 Parent Matt - 2010-06-19
Re EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

you were bad luck at that time, as i know they prefer native speakers,but they did employ some Non-native Speakers, they all seemed good. and i have been working with EF jinan since 2009, they paid my visa/residence and flight. the only problem i have that i don't like teach off-site classes.
I have to say that is life:) To be happy!

Alda Agustine - 2008-09-30
EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

I'm an English teacher from Indonesia and was employed by EF English First in Jinan, China. I worked there ONLY for three weeks. The reason why EF terminated my contract was because they thought I had a bad accent. They don't like my Indonesian accent with the rolling 'rrrrr'. There's no DOS in the school who is supposed to be in charge of this thing. I was hired via e-mail but I never signed the contract on paper. The management tried to get away of paying for my visa. They never processed my residence permit, which gave me a problem with the customs when I was about to leave China.

Aviod this school at all costs because it will only give you trouble.

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