Return to Index › Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?
#1 Parent tony clarey - 2010-07-22
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?

I have recently been in touch with Goldwyn about a prospective post and so far things have been cool.
Have posted on a couple of websites asking teachers who have been placed by Goldwyn their opinions of the experience but have been disappointed so far to have only come accross bad-mouthing,unsubstantiated pieces which will be of no use to anyone serious about taking a job.
If anyone out there has anything SERIOUS to tell me,I would like to hear from them (good AND bad).
I believe that ALL experiences are good experiences and if you go into something with your eyes closed-then tough titty.

#2 Parent Ex-TC - 2010-07-07
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?

If you got deported for working on a tourist visa and Goldwyn did not make you aware of this illegality AND did not attempt to get you a work visa, then he is an illegal agent and has screwed you and others over hard. People in his/her position need to be BOTH accommodating and professional.

Stay away from VIP China until this is 1) resolved, or 2) VIP China is forever shut down.

Thanks and stay out of the Police's face in China!


#3 Parent MAW - 2010-07-07
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?


I discovered this website last year before I went to China to teach... I thought I had it made in the shade when I discovered VIP China! They were not a huge corporation, seemed so friendly, and then were willing to put me - with NO experience/degree/etc. in a tiny town in rural China to teach. Goldwyn, if you really are on this page here - you will remember me. But I will not reveal my identity to those others. I stayed in your apartment for 2 weeks - TWO WEEKS. It was secretive, and totally strange. I liked you all so much - but in the end I was screwed over because your company couldn't help me after the police found me in my town 'working illegally." I don't believe that you were going to pay me - so we would have had our difficulties as it was. BUT, as it turns out, far worse problems came to fruition so quickly. I was essentially deported and lost all my money that I used to get to China. Sorry, you guys were really nice - but that was a terrible experience. Good life lesson, but my plan was an utter FAIL. I say do NOT go to China with VIP China - but if you want more information, please contact me.

#4 Parent Turino - 2009-06-11
Re: Goldwyn is here.

My experience with VIP China and Goldwyn will be a very detailed post to several boards like this one once my contract is finished. How these posts will read are completely in the hands of Goldwyn and VIP China and how they treat me as this contract ends.
I can assure you that either way it will be a very detailed and convincing story of my experience.
I have faith that it will turn out well for all.

It seems to me that Alaskan's post implies said person distrusts Goldwyn.My impression of this post is that it is a kind of indirect blackmail.After reading your post,Goldwyn will understand fully that there will be some bad publicity re his agency online should he disappoint you re the terms and conditions of your contract with him.I'm surprised you haven't also included the provision of a glowing letter of recommendation re your teaching.But then again,you'd expect him to provide that just the same the to keep you sweet.I can understand why you've done what you've done as air travel is rather expensive,but I cannot condone it!
I believe Goldwyn is no bottom-feeder.Anyway,you're obviously taking no chances,though many might say what you're doing is at least sharp practice if not downright dishonest!

#5 Parent Alaskan - 2009-06-11
Re: Goldwyn is here.

My experience with VIP China and Goldwyn will be a very detailed post to several boards like this one once my contract is finished. How these posts will read are completely in the hands of Goldwyn and VIP China and how they treat me as this contract ends.

I can assure you that either way it will be a very detailed and convincing story of my experience.

I have faith that it will turn out well for all.

#6 Parent tatsuospirit - 2009-05-14
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?

Apparently you are the only one with a bad experience!

#7 Parent Goldwyn - 2009-05-13
Goldwyn is here.

Hello, "Inundated". I do not know your real name, I hope you do not mind if I call you Inundated. This is Goldwyn. Thanks for your compliment, my english is not that good as the one " Metro Mayer", but I am so honored to hear that. do you really think I am the one named Metro Mayer who posted that comment below yours? It is very easy to prove that you are wrong, everyone has his/her own writing style, based on his writing style, very good, he has a very good command of English, obviously he is a native speaker. Speaking of my writing style, do not you know that I am native chinese? if you EVEN do not know I am native chinese, I think you can also tell from my writing style, right? As long as someone speaks good words about our program, I am always the first one flashing through your mind, right? I think I am going to be a memorable figure in your mind for the rest of your life, that is good to know though. You keep saying that I am the bottom-feeder, why? You did not reveal your real name, so I do not know who you are, and have no idea whether you have joined us or not. And I do not know what we have done made you so angry with ME. You do not have to be afraid that I will send the New York gang to put you in trouble or something if you tell me your name or just explain the reason, I can assure you that I am not that capable. If we really have done something that disapponited you, I sincerely appoligize here, and I feel really appreciated if you can tell me the details, and I am more than willing to make improvements in the near future. (You have our email address, if you feel uncomfortable talking about the details here, feel free to email me whenever you are able) We always try my best to make our teachers' experience in our partner school as rewarding as possible, but if you try to bring us down and trash us intentionally, I think you are wrong, your effort is in vain. Do you really think a negative comment can bring us down? IF we treat all of our teachers the way as you discribed, I think without your comments, we already went bankrupt. But on the contrary, our program is expanding, and still more and more teachers are joining us everyday. (well, you did not say anything about how we treat you, just keep saying Goldwyn is a bottom-feeder, is a big liar). Lastly still wish you good luck and have a rewarding experience here in China. Have a good day, bye for now

#8 Parent Turino - 2009-05-13
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?

He calls himself "Metro Mayer" while talking about poor Goldwyn the spammer, a not too subtle reference to the Hollywood TV/movie production company Goldwyn Metro Myer.

Well well well,Inundated!I've never heard of 'Goldwyn Metro Myer'.But I have heard of MGM,which is short for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.Hopefully you can get it right next time.No need to thank me.

#9 Parent Metro Mayer - 2009-05-12
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?

What a surprise! The poster of trash who calls himself 'Inundated' has replied to my post. But though I had asked him to detail the various ways in which foreign teachers have been, as he had previously stated, cheated by Goldwyn, he has failed to do so. In fact, he has chosen to ignore my valid question completely. Instead, he says I am Goldwyn, more trash. Then he proceeds to call Goldwyn a bottom-feeder.
The poster is clearly unwilling to support his assertion that Goldwyn is a cheat with any evidence at all, because in fact he cannot, as actually there is none to be had!
His refusal to back up said assertion makes him a lying wanna-be spammer who actually has failed to spam any readers at all. Of course, just like me they can see for themselves that his claim is groundless!

#10 Parent Inundated - 2009-05-12
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?

The visitors to this post won't miss the touch of irony and arrogance in this poster's "name": He calls himself "Metro Mayer" while talking about poor Goldwyn the spammer, a not too subtle reference to the Hollywood TV/movie production company Goldwyn Metro Myer. When you do 1 + 1 = 2, you get the picture: The post is from Goldwyn himself, and he likes to foul everybody and he finds that very funny. He even associates fouling everybody with being a successful entertainment titan! I feel a stinking need for value re-alignment here, don't you? You are no titan, Goldwyn. You are a bottom-feeder.

#11 Parent Metro Mayer - 2009-05-12
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?

Hi, Inundated. I must say I have read your post with a certain amount of disbelief. That's not because of your complaints re being inundated with e-mails from said recruiter,Goldwyn by name,but because you suggest that he will cheat prospective foreign teachers, if given the chance, at every possible opportunity. Hardly how a reputable recruiter would behave!
So I think it's encumbent on you to specify in detail how he will attempt to cheat foreigners seeking teaching posts in China.
But if you dare not reply, I'll have no choice but to presume you to be a windbag and a spammer.
I'm eagerly awaiting your reply, as no doubt are many other foreigners like me who've been placed by Goldwyn, and have had no complaints thereafter.

#12 Parent a - 2009-05-11
Re: Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?


Please could you tell me more about what they have done. Spoke to them today and really don't fancy getting scammed!


Inundated - 2009-05-11
Am I the only one having a bad experience with VIP China?

SPAM alert: Goldwyn at VIP China vipchina0086@hotmail.com

Warning: This pesty Chinese recruiter will spam you to death: Goldwyn at VIP China vipchina0086@hotmail.com, http://www.vipchina86.com Tel: +86 10 6252 9254; Fax: +86 10 6252 6791; Mobile phone: +0086 10 13811973208.
Avoid giving them your email address (or anything more important, for that matter). They use email "brute force" to reach as many people as they can and will try to cheat you in any possible way.


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