Return to Index › Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English
#1 Parent smiler - 2010-07-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

cunning linguist.

I could not have put it any better myself, I should think your letter reflects the feelings of most if not all the people on this forum.
Hampson has the choice to clear it's name if it believes it is innocent of any wrong doings, but I think most of us already know that is not going to happen.
I was once told in Chongqing, it is quite normal for two Chinese business men who are best friends, to cheat each other in bussiness, that is acepted as normal.
a friend said it is almost impossible to do any sort of business with business people there, the chances are you are very likely to get ripped off and cheated.perhaps to those sort of people it is normal to cheat,lie, and rip off anyone else for that matter.
we all know there are good and bad people where ever we go. I suppose one only has to look at the history of this nation to understand many of
the present day problems that persist there.
to me China is a beautiful Country, and I have many lovely friends there,my wife is also Chinese, but we should never tar everyone with the same brush.
Schools like Hampson English are only giving and making a BAD image across much of the world for the good schools of China, and when the powers that be in China
start making an effort to eradicate this problem, then they will be doing something very good not only for the teachers who come to work there, but also for thier country and the Chinese students, who all too often fail to obtain a good English education at these rouge training schools. for many of these students will also go on to travel, live, and work in other Countries, and they deserve better for the large sums of money, that places like Hampson take from them.

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