Return to Index › Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English
#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-08-01
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

smiler, you've cracked my neanderthal arse that could never communicate adequately which most likely is why i'm so bad teacher in china. cheers and beers to hamsters english

#2 Parent smiler - 2010-07-31
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I think you could well be right.
going by some of the present people working there, it would not surprise me one bit.
but honestly speaking, what we have here is a failure of communication at all levels, it is as if Neanderthal man has been plucked from the past and dropped into the present time, and knows, sweet f@@k all. hence, one can now understand why he died out.

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