Return to Index › Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!
#1 Parent Kanadian - 2012-11-24
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

contact your local foreign experts bureau ! They will provide you the correct information !

#2 Parent LOL - 2010-08-04
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

Well said, CL

#3 Parent cunning lingust - 2010-08-04
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

Thanks for the sound information on how things work at times, and the picture of Mr Fang in the ofice. Made me laugh as I am amazed at the manual dexterity of the guy. Ice-cream in one hand, woman in the other and typing as well! Some feminists will need to revise their assertions that only women can multi-task.

Keep up the good work.

#4 Parent RedCat - 2010-08-04
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

My apologies, I didn't make myself clear enough. Mr. Fang is a PSB officer who was in charge of my case and looking into the situation (investigating the problem as Coke said they would).

He was very unprofessional as you can see in my previous post.

#5 Parent Redcat - 2010-08-04
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!


If that worked for you.. then awesome. But my personal experience has been this:

During interrogation Mr. Fang had a lovely conversation on his personal phone; four times.
When that was over, as soon as the translator discovered my friend spoke good English, she took off and let my friend translate everything instead while she went and bought icecream which she ate in front of us with her fellow co-worker.
Oh, she bought Mr. Fang one too for when he was done continuously smoking while typing.
They even proved their little hidden romance when Mr. Fang promptly put his arm around her lower waist and held her close while typing.

Have you seen the bosses play QQ yet? It's so popular among those who get handed their jobs based on guanxi.

Want sound advice? Don't wait to get blacklisted or in trouble. They won't do anything unless you push them to investigate. Why? Because it creates more work for them and believe me they don't want that.

The two most famous things I hear Chinese employers and people say:
It's none of my business.
It's not my obligation or responsibility.

#6 Parent englishgibson - 2010-08-03
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

coke, there're many farce schools/centers around that've not been closed down and most likely never will be. 6 billion foreigners could file their complaints but little would change. you can believe me too. cheers and beers

#7 Parent coke - 2010-08-03
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

Use your commone sense... let them report you. Because the Foreign expert bureau and PSB is not stupid and will do the investigation fair enough to everybody you and your boss.... and if he or they really cheated you... school will be locked or closed. Do it !!! go for it!!!you willpay nothing. We did it already... believe me.

#8 Parent englishgibson - 2010-07-28
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

red cat, i'd love to know how you've found out your work permit (residency) has been cancelled. from your post, i can assume you've learnt about it in the court of law, have you? i agree, it's not suggestable to run when we're unhappy at work. however, and from my experience, it's uneasy to leave on a pro notice as well. my one month notice reasoning that the place was not pro enough and after having got a manager's signature on that, i was labelled as a poor teacher with some poor character and personal reasons for leaving. anyway, that's what's on my "termination of a foreign expert"..reccommendation letter :)
cheers and beers to the SAFEA that's cared littled as well as cheers and beers to our views on

#9 Parent wiseguy - 2010-07-26
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

So this actually happens? Formally blacklisted by the gov for taking a runner? Well, that would be counter to the advice given by so many posters here in the past that have said, "Oh, if you don't like the place or they are treating you badly, just take a runner!"

#10 Parent RedCatXia - 2010-07-26
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

I actually am on the blacklist (by the PSB (public Secuirty Bureau) because my former employer lied to the government, said I ran and couldn't be contacted so they cancelled my residence permit without verifying what the school said to be true. Lucky me, I have the proof that this is a lie so i will be taken off of the blacklist.

Truth is, I took the school to court. Arbitration to be exact and I won. This is proof of the lie so I won't be blacklisted. Don't run, they can blacklist you with reason then. You need to take your case to arbitration (if you want that money which is rightfully yours) which is free, court is 5rmb. Want to stay off the blacklist but stop working for them? Go to your local PSB building (Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration Department) and explain what is going on. Either way, if you leave before the contract ends you MUST inform them. I know this because the woman I dealt with hated foriegners (or was bribed I am sure) said it was common bloody knowledge that you go to their building and inform them of changes. So inform them of the situation.

I am sorry to hear you found yourself in a similar situation. You have to be careful what you do because I know from experience, Chinese law almost protects these bad employers to a fault.

If you need further advice I can be reached at njeg@hotmail.com
Best of luck

#11 Parent Raoul Duke - 2010-05-07
Re: Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

Wow...rough position!
Odds are good that this is largely a bluff, but it's really hard to tell looking in from the outside.

A lot depends on who the employer is and who they know. If they really are someone or have access to someone, they might at least require you to move to another city or even province.

It's unlikely they could completely bar you from China. Even if you're placed on a SAFEA blacklist (and yes, there is one), there are plenty of schools who aren't part of SAFEA. Lots of schools won't look much further than seeing an available foreigner on the hoof. Just be upfront with any schools you apply to now. Make sure they understand the situation and are still sure they can get a Work Permit and Residence Permit for you.

Unfortunately, you may have to return home to get a new visa...doesn't seem likely you'll be getting a Release Letter from these guys...

1. I won't tolerate a clearly abusive situation. If attempts to work it out fail, IMHO it's time to stop teaching and do whatever you can do.
2. I don't appreciate being threatened.
It might well be more costly in the long run to play along than to cut your losses and get out.

Anton - 2010-05-06
Safea Blacklist - a worry indeed!

Hi, fellow foriegn teachers,
I have a problem. I don't want to go into too much detail since i'm afraid of the school FAO being able to identify me, and then give me even more trouble.
I'll cut a long story short by saying I'll be cheated out of a sizable percentage of money that I'm due at the end of the contract. In a moment of anger, I foolishly threatened to run, but the FAO said he'd report me to Safea if I dare to do so. I would like to embarass the school by taking off, and I'd love to do so, but being blacklisted worries me greatly. Has anyone who has been on the blacklist managed to get off it subsequently? I feel I've a reasonably strong case against my employer. Could I present my case to Safea after my midnight run and have any chance of success re the removal of my name from the blacklist, if my employer gets me on it? Maybe he can't do it easily, I just don't know.
Just to add that the other foreign teacher here is unfriendly and only out for himself. I think he would report anything i told him to the FAO, he's one of those that runs around double speed when the FAO is in eyeshot!

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