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#1 Parent Brian - 2012-08-03
Re: Guangzhou Worldy Education Department


I won't comment too much on the recent set of postings about Worlda in the other thread, but mine was from 2010, and you can see that my email is not a company email. I personally had a good time at Worlda, although I'm not with them anymore.

#2 Parent Ronnie.de - 2012-07-21
Re: Guangzhou Worldy Education Department

It seems that lots of teachers like them these days, but why are they so lazy that they copy each others reviews, instead of writing their own?

#3 Parent DoDo - 2010-08-10
Re: Guangzhou Worldy Education Department

I am sure Mary Yuq is trying to improve her image. Perhaps, that is why you got a better treatment (I can see that your post is very recent). That does not change the facts from the past about Worldy / Worlda. Mary Yuq (sometimes Mary Yu) and Worlda (most recent name) have received so many bad reviews from teachers, and rightly so, that I am sure they had to keep at least someone happy to counter all the bad publicity they have received in the past. On this forum you hear only a fraction of opinions. I know other teachers who worked for her, and were extremely unhappy with the treatment they received from her, but they just chose to stay quiet, and went their own way. Mary Yuq is not an honest person . You can show your contract with her (Worlda) to a Chinese lawyer, and he/she will immediately point out many parts that are actually against Chinese law, when it comes to hiring foreign teachers (eg. not paying for government holidays, like Chinese New Year three weeks vacations). By the way, Chinese and English versions of the contract used to be very different. She will, from time to time, shower you with compliments to fool you, but it is only a game from her side. With time you may also, like many others who raised questions, fall out of her sympathy, and then, when she tries to scare or bully you, you will know her true face.
That, I sincerely do not wish for you to happen.
Wishing you all the best in China!

#4 Parent Brian - 2010-08-10
Re: Guangzhou Worldy Education Department

I have worked with this company (Guangzhou Worlda Educational & Cultural Consulting Services) for about five months now, and my experiences are much different than those described above. No one kept my visa, they got me a residence permit so I can live and work legally in China, the staff is friendly, and Mary Yuq is not the devil.

This is a teaching agency, meaning they send teachers to primary and middle schools, and they pay you your salary (the schools pay them). This is not a dream job by any means. However, it is a good stepping stone into teaching in China. Also, the money you get is enough to live on, unless you want to live lavishly or only eat/hang at Western establishments. In that case, it may not be enough money. I personally have always had extra money in my Chinese bank account.

Most things in China can be established by negotiation. Remember to remain polite but firm. This company is fine, but I would not recommend going through other recruiters, because they will take more money from your salary. If you want a high-paying job, this may not be it... although you will probably make more here than teaching at a university. However, a university position would be more relaxing. Read general reviews on teaching English in China to know what to expect, and how to deal with it.

#5 Parent Beware - 2008-10-16
Re: Guangzhou Worldy Education Department

ymary2007 at the yahoo and yuqmary at the yahoo.. beware of these people.

#6 Parent Steve - 2008-07-23
Re: Guangzhou Worldy Education Department

Yeah - avoid at all costs. I was lucky that I was already in China and between jobs when I applied there - several people arrived from the US while I was there and were carted off to other cities having been promised work in Guangzhou. I guess people aren't going to argue in that kind of situation.

I was told I would be working in a middle school (as I have done previously) yet was pressured into doing a 'test lesson' with 7 year olds, then expected to start in a primary school (well, about 6 different ones actually) immediately with boasts/threats that the 'company' had a monopoly on all the state school positions in the province.

I admire her pluck though - such barefaced lying must be difficult. During most of our pointless meetings before I quit, she would receive easily audible mobile calls from other teachers complaining about every aspect of the company, yet continue making empty promises as if I was deaf/stupid. She also failed to realise that I could understand most everything she tried to conceal from me by speaking very fast to her colleagues in Chinese, which was fairly amusing to be honest. I quit after two weeks of being messed around as I had other options and the funds to fly-fly-fly away, others clearly weren't so lucky.

David Stone - 2008-04-15
Guangzhou Worldy Education Department

I would like to advise anyone coming to Guangzhou, China not to work for Guangzhou Worldy Education Department. The company name has changed in the past so please look out for a lady called Mary Yuq. It is her English name and she uses it to fraudulently sign contracts that are not legitimate as you will be made to work without a visa when you first arrive. I have many teacher friends who have been conned by this company and they have a bad reputation throughout Guangzhou.

They make you work illegally, long hours, the contract is misleading, they do not pay you for holidays when they should, they lie to you and hold your passport as to stop you from leaving, they do not pay you on time, the Chinese in the contract is not the same as the English, they have changed company names many times as to continue operating.

These are to name but a few of the problems that the teachers went through during my time with Guangzhou Worldy Education Department.
I repeat. Think wisely before you enter into discussions with this company.

From a very unhappy teacher still living in Guangzhou hence why no email address

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