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#1 Parent Alain - 2010-08-15
Re: a real rollercoaster ride of ups and downs?!

And my answer is that I have no problems with the college's curfew as I'm not a nightclubber nor someone who likes painting the town red. I'm in my early thirties and used to living the quiet life. So, the restrictions on my movements well after dusk, and my visitors having to clock in and clock out, do not annoy me in the slightest.

I can sympathize here. I'm more into mid thirties age range and carousing with idiots who think it's amusing to get the white monkey plastered from shot glasses of light beer or watered down "chivas" isn't my idea of fun. That's not to say that I am averse to going out, but I prefer a place with clientele of intellect and where it is possible to have a conversation without cheesy euro-dance blasting out of the speakers at airplane engine decibel levels. Most laowai run bars are normally ok, although it's possible to even tire of those. I'm sure however these restrictions wouldn't be much fun for the early 20's crowd here only for a year or two, out to have a blast and go wild...but thankfully at our ages we are past that.

I can understand the restrictions are there for my safety and to ensure that girl students do not get involved with foreign teachers in, shall we say, an inappropriate way. Even if I had sufficient funds to live outwith the campus, I wouldn't do it. To me, that would be totally unnecessary and a waste of money.

I do question this part about for our safety. I accept they don't want us getting involved with girl students but a girlfriend of your own choosing should be different and exempted from these rules. I met a few teachers, one guy was a bloke in his mid fifties and he had money, but wouldn't live outside the campus, even though he could afford it, he also said it was a waste of money...so there is a flipside to each. I certainly don't think all off campus living is great, due to dealing with property management companies, landlords who refuse to pay for anything, deposits, disputes with neighbours etc etc. Last place I lived off campus I had a belligerent 60 something man from Dongbei going through my garbage downstairs, cursing me out in his crass dialect, and bemoaning a laowai living in the same place....

Cheers for everyones input, as I am also riding the same horse.

Cold ones all round:)

#2 Parent Ed Callaghan - 2010-04-05
Re: A Great Job

In brief, I am trying to communicate the message that those conditions that you describe for your school in China may be reasonably convenient but in accepting and taking advantage of them, you also "volunteer" to be under mother's care again. And my question is: Isn't it time to grow up?

And my answer is that I have no problems with the college's curfew as I'm not a nightclubber nor someone who likes painting the town red. I'm in my early thirties and used to living the quiet life. So, the restrictions on my movements well after dusk, and my visitors having to clock in and clock out, do not annoy me in the slightest. I can understand the restrictions are there for my safety and to ensure that girl students do not get involved with foreign teachers in, shall we say, an inappropriate way. Even if I had sufficient funds to live outwith the campus, I wouldn't do it. To me, that would be totally unnecessary and a waste of money.

I reiterate that I've found a great job in China, and I wish I'd come here a decade ago!

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