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#1 Parent Migrant Worker - 2010-08-16
Re: DISGRUNTLED EMPLOyEE - Teachers discussion


What are you talking about?

More foreign management is exactly with the ESL industry needs to level the playing field. No, they don't need those foreign pets that do whatever their managers ask them to but they certainly do require a competent opposing force to help them realize that good quality and reputation is what will make a business able to expand and succeed in a long-term market.

I work in a training center and have worked in many places in China and though most are bad, some are decent. Your blanketing slanders are totally bias. Just because a foreigner works in a training center certainly does not mean they are greedy or losers. I happen to enjoy smaller classrooms, the perks of teaching adult students (no, not dating the students) because you can make friends and even some good connections.

I also like the fact that the majority of them paid for their own expense and therefore are highly motivated. I don't have to worry much about tiresome disciplinary action.

Let's not make ignorant blanket statements. You mentioned you found a good University just recently. Maybe, just maybe they are starting to see the error of their ways. China is developing. Obviously, that means a state of change. They will learn.

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