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#1 Parent smiler - 2010-08-31
Re: Calling TianjianTwat

Point taken.
firstly, I am not a disgruntled teacher and certainly not a competitor, there are those who have had dealings with rouge schools and simply wish to warn others, this is not a vendetta against this one school.
I have mearly written my comments and added some humour in my posts.
frankly speaking, it would be nice to see this thread dry up, but due to a small percentage of weasels who creep out of the woodwork from time to time defending this so called training school, I doubt that is going to happen very soon.
Hampson is not the only school to come under fire, there will be others that will at some point have their name plastered on the internet.
teachers, students and schools alike, have their rights and if there is an injustice then we should have the freedom to speak out to defend what is truth, and not some cheap cover up like we have seen in a few posts here.
may the peace be with you.

#2 Parent dylan - 2010-08-31
Re: Calling TianjianTwat

Post Against a School
When you read a bad post against a school, it may be true. There are also reasons why it may not be true. For example, it might be written by a competitor. It might also be written by a disgruntled teacher who has good reasons to be disgruntled. Or not really good reasons (went overseas with the wrong expectations, for example). Ask yourself how credible the writer sounds; and if you are interested in this school, do some further research including speaking to present and past teachers.

Speaks for itself really doesn't it

#3 Parent smiler - 2010-08-30
Re: Calling TianjianTwat

maybe you should not have called him a TWAT, that is an insult to women LOL.
grovelling weasel would probably be more fitting, people who can easily be won over by unscupulous corrupt greedy fools. he falls into that Category
you may not have worked at hampson, but I did. and your right, he has no credibility . if people took the time to look around on the internet, they would see plenty of interesting posts, the likes of the clown you called a TWAT shine through clearly.
FACT, there are a number of hampson training schools that have made themselves a bad name for reasons many of us already know.
FACT, we cannot tar all Chinese with the same brush, after all, not all Chinese behave like hampson and other bad training schools,just wanted to make this point clear for TWAT after reading one of his earlier posts.
FACT, the incident involving the manager of a certain Hampson school hitting an English teacher is 100% true, but like many things in China. the truth is often hidden to save face.
FACT, hampson have been known to use a number of excuses to get rid of teachers,because they simply don't have the balls to tell someone to their face when they have served their perpose. sorry, your student is sick, when in fact your student has been passed on to another teacher and is being taugh while you are not there !
not to mention the lies they use to make you look like a bad teacher.
I see hampson has recently lost another two teachers, I wonder why ?

#4 Parent Marco - 2010-08-28
Re: Calling TianjianTwat

LOL, I think it is pretty self evident for all who come and browse this thread which person(s) are displaying any degree of "twatishness".

I cannot really take one side or the other having never worked at this place, but after reading some of the abuse in this thread I swing towards tianjinrobie. The guy says hes had a good experience there, you seem to have taken great offence to that fact and really stuck the knife in him for it. I have to agree with him about some of the things that have been said here, totally pointless. You talk about credibility yet look at your attitude dude, doesn't exactly send the right message to anyone. The only thing I would say though is that tianijnrobies experiences lack a little credibility as he offers no criticism at all, every employer has at least one or two things they could be doing better.

#5 Parent Chengdu FT - 2010-08-26
Calling TianjianTwat

Apologies for the delay in posting.

Three simple facts and an opinion.

1 I have been posting on this board for over a year and half regarding various schools.

2 You have posted nothing other than postive comments on Hampson, and you have posted the same rubbish on other sites as well.

3 Some previous postings I have made have been supported by other teachers that have worked for the "schools" that were mentioned. I have credibility. You don't!

Simply put you are TWAT! And yes the insult was meant!

#6 Parent smiler - 2010-08-18
Re: Get real!

Chengdu FT
no disrespects to you, I like your posts, also those of others here.
but please don't bring yourself down to my level.
I am talking a load of crap. so is everyone else here who have had bad dealings with Hampson or for that fact, any other schools.
lets just all agree with this idiot and let others find out for themselves.
the incident of the female English teacher being attacked by a manager in a certain hampson school never happened, she must have been drunk or out of her mind on drugs. but I know it did happen and so do others, but Mr bollock brains will never except the truth even if it was stuffed right in his face.
look. if I am wrong then I will come clean, even it it means biting my lip.
world war 2 never happened, the two Atomic bombs, little boy and fat man were just pure fiction. the Japanese never committed war crimes, and Hitler was a transvestite who loved being jerked of by Eva Braun in jail, while he was writing his book Mein Kampf, my struggle,
I can't help wondering if this guy is a member of the communist party trying to undermine all that is right and true. the next thing we might hear from him is Mao Zedong smoked pot while he was planning his last revolution . I must add some more humour here to help subdue my frustration with this person who could well have been a traitor of state secrets and fled to China. the Chinese have developed a new weapon to destroy nuclear powered aircraft carriers. one has been operating in the south China seas very recently.

smiler says.
I would not have the balls to come on here just to cause trouble. but lies piss me off and I am not afraid to speak my mind.
my experienced of Hampson has brought me here, and I have certainly not cherry picked from elsewhere.

tianjinrobbie says!!
Now you're just bringing yourself down to Smiler's level, or perhaps you are one and the same person, I don't know. One thing I do know hoeverThe fact of the matter is that the majority of posts in this thread are by one person, who has posted generally 2nd hand information that he himself has not actually experienced but cherry picked from elsewhere and further has posted many comments that are nothing to do with anything Hampson have done wrong, rather immature piss taking and abusive statements designed to antagonise. For example....

tianjinrobbie says
the majority of posts in this thread are by one person.

smiler says.
I don't agree with this. but having said that. there are about 25 posts of mine, and yours are growing.

tianjinrobbie says.
posted many comments that are nothing to do with anything Hampson have done wrong.

smiler says
I also don't agree with this. read the posts, Oh sorry I forgot everyone including me have got it all wrong.

tianjinrobbie says
rather immature piss taking and abusive statements designed to antagonise. For example....

smiler says
I don't come here to antagonise, only to EXPOSE NONE TRUTH .
look at your own abusive statements and comments first. then if mine are better than yours, don't be jealous !!
if your not happy with my piss taking then piss off. one must be able to take, if one wishes to dish out !

Chengdu FT, your not bringing youself down to my level by voicing your own opinions, but Mr pisshead wants it to look that way, but if you feel differently then I shall not be offended one little bit.
a spade is a spade and thats me, and judging by your posts and some of the others, I think it is safe to say your not some idiot like tianjinrobbie.

and just for our friend tianjinrobbie to know, I taught welding, mig,tig,manual metal arc. and gas. also English. my students in my opinion would never have given him a second glance.
good manners maketh a good man, perhaps I could add to that. Bad manners and ignorance maketh the pig.

#7 Parent smiler - 2010-08-18
Re: Get real!

Looks like tianjinrobbie wants to continue,

I have no intentions of answering his lies when I already know a lot of home truths about this silly training school.
no wage slips, but I have some. contracts not stamped, just like the one I posted here.
to start with, there is one other person who has posted here whom I know. we have met a number of times. he and I worked for this silly school. I aso have more evidence to back up my post here, photos of students, even the Hampson slogan taken in one of their schools with staff also in the photos.
perhaps this tianjinrobbie is trying to imply that all Hampson schools are fine to work for.m perhaps he has worked for all the hampson branches.
I and my friend know what it was like to be used, lied to and all the other crap we had to contend with at the school where we worked.
NO! this is not a smear campaigne, I am just one of a number of people here who have had dealings with this training school in the past.
tianjinrobbie has taken his time to respond to your last posting here.probably thinking what other crap he could add.
he has certainly done so by picking out bits of my earlier posts,and if anyone wishes to look they will see the funny side to what I and others have written . I was happy to wait to see if anyone else had something more to add, but Mr know it all has jumped in again, perhaps he should get a job on TV reading the Propaganda news aimed at influencing the attitude of a community to believe all truth is rubbish.
during my stint at their school I and two other teachers had some of our students passed on to newbies. lies were told to students about teachers, also teacher would be played against teacher.
you are treated fine at first, but this will change, make no mistake about that.
these schools have their own ways of telling you they don't want you any longer, but not to your face, it is mostly by some other method where someone else is used in the process to make your name black and the excuse needed to end your employment, or your put in a situation where you have no real choice left, but to leave.
I am sure not everyone here is stupid and already knows this.
Chengdu FT, your post said it all,losers like tianjinrobbie stand out a mile. seek and he shall find the truth !
my advice to anyone wishing to work for places like Hampson, do some research first, ask around, look on the internet, don't be afraid to ask questions. there are plenty of good teachers on these forums who have been in the business for a long time. do this then your chances of working in a better school will improve greatly, and finding yourself in places like Hampson will be greatly reduced.
please excuse me, I must go and piss on my conflakes before I give them to tianjinrobbie.perhaps I could offer him dog meat instead.
I agree with you, this tianjinrobbie guy has got all the right ANSWERS, he is right and the rest of us have got it all wrong.
can't argue with that can we.pigs will fly.

#8 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-13
Re: Get real!

I must have made a mistake. tianjinrobbie is right. Hampson is a great place to work. They treat their staff well and they even pay better than any other training center in the business.
Don't worry they will pay you in full on time and their will never be a problem. In fact Hampson is such a great place to work, you won't even hear of anyone being unhappy.

Listen to tianjinrobbie! He alone knows the truth. Don't listen to any of the people that posted on this thread. They are all misinformed or liars.

Also don't listen to the guys over at the Beijinger

And forget about the guys over at Dave's ESL Cafe

Please don't follow those links! All those people talking about Hampson in such a negative way cannot be correct.

Remember tianjinrobbie knows the "truth"

Now you're just bringing yourself down to Smiler's level, or perhaps you are one and the same person, I don't know. One thing I do know hoeverThe fact of the matter is that the majority of posts in this thread are by one person, who has posted generally 2nd hand information that he himself has not actually experienced but cherry picked from elsewhere and further has posted many comments that are nothing to do with anything Hampson have done wrong, rather immature piss taking and abusive statements designed to antagonise. For example....

Dear Hampson.
it has come to my notice that you have been inviting certain teachers to erotic, exotic dog meat restuarants,for certain favours I shall not talk about here. in all due respects, I find this very distasteful.
during the time that I was unfortunate enough to work for you, all I was given was noodles and flied lice.

Need I say anymore!!! As I have already said, it is one thing to post up useful and detailed information regarding a company you have worked for and your experiences there for the good of others be they positive comments or negative comments, its another to do things in the manner they have been done here. All Smiler needed to do was make one detailed post regarding his negative experience for the benefit of others. Instead he has chosen to go on a smear campaign stating anything and everything that he can find or think up, post after post after post. This serves no purpose whatsoever bar making him feel better about himself and is clearly nothing than a hatchet job, if it's not, then more the fool him for dealing with things in the same way some uneducated council estate chav from the UK would.

Carry on putting me down and making all the fun you want, Smiler's pissed on his own cornflakes already with some of the stupid comments he has made already. I trust most people will go and find out for themselves, not simply rely on what someone else has had to say, especially some of the things that have been thrown around in here.

#9 Parent Chengdu FT - 2010-08-12
Re: Get real!

I must have made a mistake. tianjinrobbie is right. Hampson is a great place to work. They treat their staff well and they even pay better than any other training center in the business.

Don't worry they will pay you in full on time and their will never be a problem. In fact Hampson is such a great place to work, you won't even hear of anyone being unhappy.

Listen to tianjinrobbie! He alone knows the truth. Don't listen to any of the people that posted on this thread. They are all misinformed or liars.

Also don't listen to the guys over at the Beijinger

And forget about the guys over at Dave's ESL Cafe

Please don't follow those links! All those people talking about Hampson in such a negative way cannot be correct.

Remember tianjinrobbie knows the "truth"

#10 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-12
Re: Get real!

That "tianjinrobbie" poster is nothing but a grovelling, snivelling corporate weasal and lackey, he can deny it all he wants, smart people like myself know the truth, can pick a fraud and liar like him a mile off. The best advice for all FT's is to to keep away from all training centres, in order to avoid foreign losers like "tianjinrobbie".

Nice!!! Please accept my sincere apologies over the fact that my current employer has been upfront and honest regarding the conditions of my employment, that I am happy there, cannot offer any negativity that aids your campaign and that sharing said experience with others offends you so much.

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