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#1 Parent alain1976 - 2010-08-22
Re: DISGRUNTLED EMPLOyEE - Teachers discussion

University teaching in China is normally the lowest of the low in terms of teaching quality ... and yet people continually pop up and suggest training schools should be avoided in favor of University work????????

The difference is you generally get your salary on time each month, in full, and if it's a good university they break their back to help you. At the language mills, it's all about as many redbacks in the bosses wealth management account and keeping that beamer on the road and paying off the luxury villa/s. Make no mistake.

#2 Parent Astounded - 2010-08-21
Re: DISGRUNTLED EMPLOyEE - Teachers discussion

I am sure that if I worked at your school I would not be able to teach the way I want to teach.

I have to disagree with you in regard to training centres, as I have always held the view that training schools are inherently evil, and serve no usefull purpose at all.

Ive copied the above comments, but there are many similar ones I have read in the last few days on this forum. And I am quite 'Astounded' to be honest. Training Centres=Evil?
I have noticed a few regular members of this forum seem to share this opinion and suggest Chinese University teaching is preferable, but I cant quite see why, and the weak arguments used dont really hold up IMO.

Training Centres are just cash cows? OK, Unless you have been living in a cardboard box for the last ten years, I think most people would accept that the majority of educational establishment keep one eye on the finances, Yes, even Ivy League universities and the OxBridge set look at their bank balances as well as their results. Are you suggesting this is not the case at Chinese Universities???? Really?????????? To do so would be either naive or ignorant IMO. Continually spouting this line of argument means you lose all credibility, and in doing this the forum ceases to be of much use as a source of information for new and existing teachers.

The other comment I have copied .... I would not be able to teach the way I want to teach. This was posted by someone who admits he thinks its OK to date female students at his University, and admits he has dated, and does date students ... AND THAT THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT! Again, serious lack of credibility when you post statements of that nature. Even worse when they are justified with weak comments or suggestions saying its OK, if she isnt in my class. Many people have dated a students, and without doubt many people will do so again, but when people do this they normally do admit they are crossing a line and whilst it may happen, its never really acceptable. I dont know what kind of 'teachers forum' this is, when its is suggested as being acceptable?

University teaching in China is normally the lowest of the low in terms of teaching quality ... and yet people continually pop up and suggest training schools should be avoided in favor of University work????????

'I cant teach how I want in a training school'???? Is this because in a Uni, you can turn up and not really teach anything, but edutain students and lecture them. Perhaps you can even bring a guitar and sing religious songs if thats your thing. I know it happens in Uni settings ... is that how you want to teach???? Then yes, avoid training centres.

'I dont want someone to give me a syllabus, I dont want someone to observe my classes and give me feedback' (such as might happen with a DOS at EF perhaps). The only people who would ever fear this or complain about this are probably unqualifed in any way, and probably arent very good at their job. Part of teaching is using graded appropriate material and being observed .... and yes, this 'may' happen at a training school. Wow, so evil they are arent they??????

Its no secret that training schools exist because University education doesnt prepare students of English for much more than passing tests. Every training school will have adult students that will state they learnt English at Uni but cant speak it. So once again, surely this is a BIG BLACK MARK against teaching in a University setting????????

But wait....isnt it true that most Uni jobs offer few hours and let people moonlight for extra cash???
Isnt it true that most Uni jobs require very little than a white face and a teacher with a pulse????

On this basis the recent posts suggesting only losers back home take DOS type jobs must be wrong! The real losers are the people who take these low skilled Uni jobs, that require minimal (if any) qualifications, have no teaching standards to be adhered to, and have scores of teachers looking to make out with the girls or preach to the masses! I fail to see how Chinese Uni work can ever add to a CV or resume, when it is pretty obvious that any kind of management position with a training school may offer some benefit to future employers an is bound to increase ones prospects whatever they decide to do in the future ... anyone suggesting otherwise must be mad.

I have honesty read a lot of posts here recently ... anyone sticking up for a training school is labelled foolish, or accused of being a Chinese spy ... often by people that seem to have no teaching qualifications, low professional standards, and may (or may not) even be in the countries mentioned. There is one person I am thinking of here, a recent post suggested he hasnt been in China for ages but he is one of the most vocal against China. At the same time, this 'member' keeps writing jokes about alligators an crocodiles that appear to have no relevance to any of the posts, and look like a series of bad jokes that only he is in on. Very Very poor.

I find this site isnt very user friendly...and is only really frequently used by a few people. Unfortunately the few people that do seem to use this site lower the tone, and the quality of information IMO.

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